Tinker Bell

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Everyone spins towards me confused. "What?" Emma says confused and a little shocked at my reaction to the map. "That's cheating. And Peter doesn't like it when people don't follow his rules." I say looking at the floating map. 

"Well, if I don't like the rules I make new ones." Regina says standing next to Emma. "And how do you even know that?" She says with a confused face. In her eyes I saw her trying to read my face for a clue. 

"I know you don't follow the rules. I've learnt that honey. And just an observation." I say not mentioning the interaction I just had with Peter.  "Well, what's done is done. Pack up we're going to follow the map" I sigh. 

Everyone packs up quickly and we start to follow the glowing map. I'm at the back of the group. And Regina and Emma are at the front making sure the map doesn't get to far away. The further we walk the more board I get. I create a magic ball and start throwing it in the air. 

Suddenly we stop and the ball hits Hook in the head. He turns around opening his mouth instead rolling his eye and turning around. "Sorry" I whisper. 

"Pan. I can feel his smugness." I hear Regina say. Charming moves In front of Regina pulling out his sword again. "Shall we? While we still have the element of surprise." Charming says. 

I lean over to hook. "Didn't you say that Pan knows everything that happens on this Island. So we would never have the element of surprise?" I question. Hook hods his head in agreement. He looks like he's trying to hear something in the distance. 

Suddenly he speaks up walking forwards. "Careful. He may look like a boy, but he's a bloody demon."  

Then we all start walking again. Slower then last time, trying to keep our noise down. 

We walk into what looks like a camp. I've drawn my sword not trusting Peter. The camp is fully empty. "No one's here. Maybe your spell was wrong Regina." Snow says looking around. 

"Yes. Blame me. Again." Regina says done with Snow for the day. "Guys hold on" Emma says as she speed walks down the steep hill.  We look at Emma's line of sight. Its Henry. 

Something feels off. Suddenly I hear Emma scream for henry while running up to him. Why would Peter leave Henry alone in a camp if it wasn't a trap. Then the dots connect in my head. 

"Emma that's not Henry!" I scream chasing after her. Henry turns around. Its not Henry Is Peter. "Hi, Emma" He says a smug smile on his face. Everyone comes to a sudden stop. "Where the hell is Henry?" Emma asks in shock yet angry. 

"You broke the rules. That's not fair. Bad form. I expected more form you, Captain." Peter says walking behind some bushes. "Aye. And you'll get it." Hook speaks up. "Give Henry back." Emma says jumping in. 

"Sorry cant. Don't you know?" Peter says. "Cheaters Never win."

Lost boys surround us cheering. "And you wont win, I promise.* I say taking out my sword. Everyone else seems to be in shock, jumping back. "Watch out for their arrows, they're laced with dreamshade." Captain says. 

"well they cant hit what they cant find." I say before disappearing. I hear a few grumbles. I reappear just outside they circle the lost boys has formed. I cant hear what they say. The lost boys start firing, I find peter running up to him. 

"Where the fuck is henry?!" I hiss punching him in the jaw. He stumbles backwards tripping backwards. He falls of his butt. He glares at me standing up quickly. "Hidden. And safe for now" 

"For now! Safe for now! That means he's not safe! Give him to me and i wont end up destroying you!" I hiss marching up to him. "You know what. Lets play a game. Neal is gonna try and save Henry. after he leaves the base with Henry first to find him gets Henry." He says reaching his hand out. 

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