14. 911 Lone Star: Not Answering

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Prompt Idea: Ready2XPLR

Discipline: Judd/Marjan (M/F) Hand | Owen/Marjan (M/F) Belt

"Bye everyone!" Marjan says as she grabs her bag. Marjan's shift just ended. She's meeting up with some old college friends she hasn't seen in ages. T.K.'s shift also just ended and he was going home to Carlos. "Do you have any plans tonight?" T.K. asks Marjan. "Going out with some old college friends." She says. "Fun! Well, bye Marjan!" T.K. waves as he goes to his truck. She waves back and walks to her car. Just as Marjan is getting into her car Owen comes running out. "Everything alright Captain?" Marjan asks. "Just wanted to catch you before you go. I've got word it's going to be a full moon. That means lots of crazy people. You might have to come back. Sorry about that." Owen says. "That's alright, just call me in if you need me." Marjan says. Owen heads back inside. Marjan heads to the bar she's meeting her friends at.

Marjan arrives at the bar and finds her friends instantly. They have a fun night. They drink lots, dance, play some pool, and play darts. Marjan feels her phone buzz a couple of times but doesn't think anything of it. She completely forgot about the conversation her and Captain Strand had. Marjan and her friends decide to pay the bill and go home. "It was nice seeing you all!" Marjan says hugging each of them. She gets in her car, slightly drunk and drives herself home. She doesn't even think of checking her phone.

126 Fire House

"I've been calling Marjan for hours!" Judd tells Captain Strand. "I have no clue where she is." Owen sighs. "Did she happen to say if she was going anywhere tonight?" Owen asks. "Not to me. But she did walk out with T.K., maybe he knows?" Judd suggests. "I'll call him." Owen says.

Owen: Hey T.K., it's dad.

T.K.: Hey dad, what's up?

Owen: Did Marjan happen to tell you where she was going tonight?

T.K.: Oh yeah, she said she was meeting some college friends.

Owen: Okay, thanks son.

Owen hangs up after that. "I guess she was meeting up with some college friends. Which means she probably went to a bar." Owen says sighing. "Want me to go by her house and see if she's there?" Judd asks. "Yeah that's fine, then bring her back with you. If she's in a state to work." Owen says. "Yes sir." Judd says. He grabs his keys and drives over to Marjan's.

Marjan's Apartment

Marjan had just arrived back at her apartment. She was really tired and still slightly drunk. She went up to her apartment and changed into some pajamas. Just as she finished changing she heard a loud knock on her door. Ugh who could that possibly be, she thought to herself. She went to her door and looked through the peephole. Her heart dropped as she saw Judd. Then she came to realization, what her and Captain Strand talked about before she left. She slowly opened the door seeing a very angry Judd.

"H-Hey." Marjan says stepping to the side. Judd stomps into her apartment. "We've been worried sick! Where have you been!" Judd yells crossing his arms. "I was out with friends, I forgot to check my phone." Marjan says looking at her feet. "Well that's earned you a whooping." Judd says. Judd sits on the couch calling Marjan over. "Come over here!" Judd says pointing in front of him. "Please don't do this Judd! I'm really sorry!" Marjan begs. "You're going to be! Captain Strand is very upset with you!" Judd says. "Please don't! Please wait till morning, I'm still slightly drunk!" Marjan cries. After it exits her mouth she realizes that wasn't the right thing to say. "Drunk?" Judd asks appalled. "You drove home drunk?" He asks again. "Y-Yes sir." She says. Judd can be a very strict man and she hates getting on his bad side. Judd pulls down her pajama pants and takes her across his knee. "This is well deserved then!" Judd says starting the spanking. "Wait! Please don't!" Marjan begs. Her pleas fall on deaf ears as Judd starts spanking.


"What you did was completely unacceptable young lady!" Judd yells. "OUCH! I'm sorry!" Marjan cries into her couch. She's rarely spanked and this hurts. Judd's hands are big and he spanks hard.


"OUCH JUDD PLEASE! I'M SORRY!" Marjan cries out. Judd ignores her and keeps spanking.


"OWIE!" Marjan cries kicking her legs. Judd takes that as his queue to finish up the spanking.


Marjan cries into couch. "It's over. Shh you're alright." Judd says as he rubs her back. "I-I'm sorry." Marjan says as she stands up and pulls up her pants. "Alright, go get dressed you're coming back to the firehouse with me." Judd says. Marjan nods and goes to get changed. Once she's changed they get into Judd's truck to go back to the fire house.

126 Fire House

Marjan walks in and sees Captain Strand doing some chores. She walks up to him. "H-Hello sir." Marjan says as she walks up to Captain Strand. Owen puts down the rag he was washing the fire truck with and turns to Marjan. "And where have you been?" Owen says crossing his arms. Marjan explains what she's been doing all night. She also told him how Judd spanked her. "I was worried sick Marjan!" Owen says. "I know, I'm sorry sir." Marjan says looking at her feet. "I'm just glad you're okay." Owen says pulling Marjan in for a hug. "Let's go have a talk in my office." Owen tells her. Owen leads Marjan up to his office. He pulls a chair into the middle of the room and stands her in front of him.

"I know Judd already spanked you but you deserve a spanking from me too." Owen says. "I want you to bend over this chair and you're getting twenty with my belt." Owen says. "Yes sir." Marjan takes her pants down and bends over the chair. "I'm starting." Owen says taking his belt out of his work pants.




"OW! NO MORE PLEASE!" Marjan yells. "We're half way there, almost done." Owen says rubbing her back.


Marjan breaks down in sobs. "There you go, all done. You're okay now." Owen says. After a few minutes she's calmed down and sniffling. She stands up and pulls her pants up, wiping her eyes. "I'm sorry Captain Strand. It won't happen again." Marjan says hugging him. "I know it won't." He says. "Go get cleaned up and then we'll get to work." Owen tells Marjan. "Yes sir." She says. She leaves the room rubbing her bottom.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! It's been a little while since I updated this book! Please comment and vote!
-Naz <3

Word Count: 1,208 Words

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