13. 911 Lone Star: Forgot To Call

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Prompt Idea: OriginalJulietGrande & @heygirlllgg

Discipline: Gabriel/Carlos (M/M) Hand, Belt | Andrea/Carlos (F/M) Chancla

"Carlos Reyes! Let's go now!" Andrea yells. "But Mami.." Carlos whines. "You know I hate whining now go!" Andrea says point to her and Gabriel's room. Carlos sighs in defeat putting his head down and walks to the room.

Earlier that day

Carlos Reyes had just met with boss and was told he needed to go to Houston, Texas. That means a two and a half hour drive. Carlos immediately got into his car and started driving to Houston. Carlos didn't know twenty four hours from now he would have a very sore butt.

Later that Night

T.K. was getting worried it was an hour past when Carlos would usually get home and there was still no sign of him. T.K. has called Carlos' cell many times and there was no answer. If Carlos wasn't home in the next hour he would go over to Andrea and Gabriel's house.

It's been another hour and another three calls to Carlos and still nothing. T.K.'s grabs the keys to his and Carlos' truck and drives to Andrea and Gabriel's. It's a little past 8:00 p.m. but he felt this was important.

T.K. arrives at there house and knocks on the door. The house was lit up so T.K. assumed they were still awake. "Hello T.K., come on in!" Andrea says greeting T.K. at the door. Andrea and Gabriel were watching something on television. Andrea brings T.K. over to the couch and has him sit down. "So, what brings you by dear? And where is my son?" Andrea says smiling. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Do you know where he is?" T.K. says almost scared like. Andrea looks at Gabriel confused. Gabriel had today off so he didn't go into work. "What do you mean?" Gabriel asks. "He never came home after work I have no clue where he is. I'm really worried." T.K. says as tears run down his face. Andrea moves next to T.K. "Shh you're okay, we'll find him." Andrea says wiping his tears away. Gabriel gets up to call around.

A few minutes later Gabriel comes back. "So?" Andrea asks. "I talked to his boss. He had to go to Houston for a case they're working on. Something about picking up some evidence." Gabriel says. "Why wouldn't he call us? At least call T.K.!" Andrea says getting angry. "It's okay honey." Gabriel says trying to calm down Andrea. "I'm gonna try calling him." Gabriel says.

Meanwhile Carlos has just made it to Houston to pick up the several pieces of evidence for the case. Once he's back in the police car headed back to Austin, he realizes he didn't tell anyone he was leaving. Carlos quickly picks up his phone and powers it on. Carlos had his phone powered off becuase he went to talk to his boss and forgot to power it back on. Carlos' phone turns on and sees a dozen missed calls from T.K., text messages from him, and a missed call from his father. Carlos gulps and calls his dad back.

Carlos: "H-Hello." Carlos says anxiously.
Gabriel: "Where the hell are you boy!" Gabriel says with a mix of anger and worry.
Carlos: "I-I'm on my way home, I'm just leaving Houston sir." Carlos says trying to be polite knowing he's in trouble.
Gabriel: "Come straight to mine and your mother's house, T.K. is already here." Gabriel says.
Carlos: "Yes sir. May I speak to T.K.?" Carlos asks.

T.K.: "Babe?" T.K. asks worried.
Carlos: "H-Hey it's me. I'm so sorry for worrying you! I will explain everything when I get there." Carlos says.
T.K.: "It's okay, I'm just glad you're okay!" T.K. admits.
Carlos: Yes, I'm fine! I'll see you when I get there. I love you!
T.K.: I love you too!

T.K. hands the phone back to Gabriel after they had hung up. "He said he will explain everything when he gets here." T.K. says. Andrea nods. "Are you hungry dear?" Andrea asks. T.K. nods his head realizing he never ate dinner. "I'll make us some sandwiches." Andrea says.

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