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Its been a long time since i wore this shirt so i guess New Years is the day to wear it. I was looking at my phone when i heard the door closing from Ares house.

He opened the door besides me and once his gaze met mine he broke eye contact.

But i managed to see the scar on his cheek right under his right eye. I wonder what how the fuck he got that.

Chris started driving and the only people talking were that girl and Chris. I was too busy to talk because i was looking how handsome he fucking looks. All black suit with that chain is just suits him so good that i could just rip off his shirt and...

"Hey" i heard Mike saying with the door open, i forgot that we were going to pick him up too.

"Hey sorry" i said and i had to move closer to Ares. He was looking outside the window with his hand holding his chin.

Mike wouldnt shut the fuck up in the whole ride there. Chris mentioned that he has a crush on me but Mike is like my brother he is been friends with Chris since i remember myself i cant see him nothing more than a great friend.

Ares didnt speak at all. He was driving me insane. Once we got there the girl that invited him ran and hugged him like there was no tomorrow.

She is not even that pretty. Black haired bitch with a red dress that i could see her fucking ass hole like literally.

After one hour of me just sitting on a couch i decided to take a look around the house. I didnt know where Ares or Chris were even Mike got lost in this crowded place.

A lot of drunk people dancing or hooking up i dont want to see whats going on in the bedrooms. I didnt even had energy to drink today and that is strange for me i usually drink a lot in parties but my parents kind of ruined the whole night.

I was wandering around when i saw Ares with that girl talking, he was pinned against the wall holding a beer and his other hand was in his pocket. She was so close to him they were almost kissing. Like fuck me i am so done with all this.

Ares looked at me and that girl turned and they were both looking at me. She was giving me blank stares and i started taking steps backwards but she was approaching me.

"Is there a problem?" she came right in my face and said that with a really annoying tone.

"Okay relax" Ares said while smirking and i was just trying not to laugh to her face.

"Relax? She was looking at you like she wans to fuck you. Bitch" she said and my anger just burst out.

"Just for your information he already fucked me and call me bitch when you go get some clothes that actually fit you cause i cant handle watching your ass hole" i said and Ares winked at me and she was turning red.

"You bitch" she yelled and she made a movement with her hands she was ready to fucking hit me but Ares pulled her back and she left from the kitchen.

Me and Ares couldn't stop laughing.

"This party is so fucking boring" he said and i nodded

"Come with me" he said and without realising i was already following him. He took me outside and he pulled some stairs and he helped me get up on the roof.

We were sitting there no one was talking we were both just admiring the view. But i got to admit it was cold i had my hands wrapped around me and when he noticed he took off his shirt and gave it to me.

It smelled so good i didnt realised how much i missed him.

"Thank you" i said and he nodded. He pulled out his phone and saw the time.

"11:50 in ten minutes"

"This year sucked" i sighed

"Wasnt that bad" he said and i turned my head to him and he was already looking at me.

"For you but i really hated this year"

"I think your highlight of the year was when you met me" he said and we both laughed

"Right and yours is that you met me"

"Maybe" he said and winked at me

"How did you got that?" i said and i touched his scar with my fingers and he flinched

"I uh tripped" liar i just know he is lying i am trying to open up with him but he just doesn't get it. I nodded and he looked down and then up to me again.

"It was my dad he um got little drunk" When i heard that my heart dropped and my eyes immediately started tearing up.

"Does this happen often?" i said and my voice was cracking i was trying to hold my tears

"Yeah pretty often" he said and i turned my head down for him not to see that i was crying.
Pretty often? He hits him pretty often?

He lift my head with his thumb up and our glances were locked. He was rubbing smoothly my cheek with his thumb as my tears were running and his eyes turned red he was holding in tears.

"Why are you crying?" he whispered

"Why is he doing that?" i whispered too and he hesitated before telling me

"Its kind of a long story" i can't handle watching his beautiful blue eyes red.

"I am not going anywhere just when you feel ready" i said and he smiled and i whipped my tears off.

"Why do you care that much?" he said and i just knew i had to get it out of my chest

"Because i care about you" i said and he opened his right hand and i moved closer to him and we were hugging for some minutes when we heard people from downstairs started yelling the countdown.

He took his hand off his pocket and opened it 11:59. Then he looked to me again.

"Three, two, one" we both said and we pressed our lips.

My arms were resting on his neck and his hands were on my cheeks. Our kiss was slow. I wanted to enjoy every second of our kiss. After some seconds we both backed off to breathe. But we were still holding eachother and our foreheads were pressed on eachother. Our eyes couldnt look away.

"Ava you make me feel things no one ever made me feel before" he whispered and i smiled

"I like you too" he said and my heart skipped a beat.

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