Irene blink, amused and curious as to why the boy have mention it

Is he...trying to impress me?

Irene giggled a bit in realization which causes Kai to beamed at hearing the sounds that ceases to make his heart flutter

"Really? Is it hard?" Irene asked, her voice dropping in curiosity as she looked around more

Kai smirk widened even more as he smugly flex his non existent muscles

"No" Kai answers, a bit smug with a smirk on his face

Irene raised her eyebrows unnoticeably in amusement as she secretly glanced at the back of Kai's head. She's amused

"I see! Then good luck!" Irene commented the moment they arrived at the doorsteps on top of the stairs, before Kai could open the door, the door itself open revealing Master Wu who is staring curiously at Irene

"Oh- Hello! Good afternoon!" Irene greeted as she bowed in respect causing Master Wu to smile at her manners

"Hello and good afternoon, what is it that you need of us?" Master Wu asked in curiosity and a hint of bewilderment. Master Wu is curious on who this person is for he hasn't seen her before

"My name is Irene Walker! The little sister of Jay" Irene said as she smiled brightly. Master Wu's eyebrows shoot in surprise, she is the young sibling of the most energetic and troublesome jokester student of his? That surprised him

Jay is the talkative type that would open his mouth and can blabber literally a day without losing his voice

He has this energy in him that would lead the people into a conclusion of seeing him as the friendly and shy person, easy to underestimate because of his appearance, and the jokester of the group, yet he is smart when it comes to emotions and is great at inventing, but he sometimes didn't follow the instructions so his inventions mostly explode or fails

He can be rather too energetic or too anxious, he would joke around sometimes when at serious situation and he is the most dense of them all. That is what Master Wu and the others see Jay as a person

However the girl in front of Master Wu, is different

The girl has this aura around her that would calm everything in her path, as if she is a walking warmness guiding those who are lost into the light again, an aura that even Master Wu himself basks and relaxes in her presences

Jay usually talks and brag about his younger sister, bragging about how talented, smart, kind and beautiful she is. He talks so much that eventually he can only be stopped by Master Wu warning him, or force him to lose his consciousness, it's always the second choice that can shut him up completely

Master Wu may be irritated by Jay's bragging too much, but he does pay attention to it

The way Jay talks about Irene leads the listener to a conclusion, he did talk many positives about her as if she is someone he worships, however that's not the case, even a blind man knows that Jay adored her based on his praises alone

He can see the way his eyes brighten when his little sister is brought into a conversation, he can see how he smiles genuinely when he speaks of her, and the way he boosted his younger sister and speaks of how proud he is after mentioning the achievements she gained. Master Wu himself can guarantee that Jay adored his younger sister

She is like Jay's inspiration, like how Nya is too Kai, another sibling with talents? how intriguing

"Let's talk inside Irene" Master Wu said with a welcoming smile as he gestures for Irene to follow him in which she did

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