Chapter 1

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They said that strength comes in many form and it can be drawn into us in many ways. We can draw our strength from loved ones, draw strength inside ourselves or be inspired by the strength of other people.

Weakness, sometimes becomes strength to some of us.

But this can also be used in many ways. In a good way or bad way, but there's only one thing to know about strength, that whatever we have in use for it, in the end, it is all for power. To save someone, to rule people, to survive and to be admired.

Personally, I think real strength comes from our heart, not just being physically strong, because you can be strong on the outside, but it may be a different take on the inside. We can't always be strong but, I know that this doesn't mean we are weak. It is the proof that we are human, and the strength to have weakness means, that accepting vulnerability is human.

Though it is a different story when it comes to my life and our family. You see, I, Nam Yaesoon is a descendant of many great ancestors with the strength almost equal to God, who came before me, and made many amazing achievements, that you don't hear normally from other people.

One of the great example of this is the tale of my great great great great grandmother, stopping a war between two territories with her bare hands. Basically, this happened because their home is located between the two territories and that cause them to lose their home so, with anger and sadness from the situation of her family, she came to a conclusion that the gift of God that our family have, must be finally use with a purpose, and for her, that purpose is to save her family. The courage to step up is what I've really admired in this story, while I was reading it on the family's history, and so many years have passed after that, family members from different era's continue to make difference in the world using their gift.

Meanwhile, in our family today only my Grandmother, Mother and Older sister are making a difference in this world. Yes, our strength may be a blessing in the eyes of others, but we know for those of us who have superhuman strength that its not always positive, since it affects how we function in our everyday lives.

For example, when I was young and still can't control my powers, I struggle to even do simple tasks like brushing my teeth, I always unconsciously, tighten my grip on the toothbrush, so as always, it broke just like many others before him do, so the countless toothbrush I have, can pile a mount if you count them. Ever since then, the first thing in the morning I opened my eyes, I always have to remind myself to have control, to be mindful of my surroundings, because if I'm careless with my actions other people will suffer, I will suffer. I don't want that to happen, that's why freely using this powers is a no-no for me.

In our family, we have my great grandmother who can still kick ass even if she can't see or hear clearly, my grandmother who enjoys her life like a youngster and don't like the word stress, then we have my mother who has strong fist and conviction in life, though, I'm not scared, kinda, because my kind and gentle father is more scarier when he's angry, even mother says so, then we have my older sister who thinks she's so cool, she treats herself highly but can't look down on others, because our parents keep her in check, instead her attention is focus on me, the only person she can look down on, but I allow it since I can fight like the women in my family, and I can beat her ass in a fight, I'm younger than her, but that doesn't mean she's stronger than me.

Then there is me, who lives like a normal person, while struggling to led her normal teenager life, because she has an abnormal life. Lucky for me, my only friend since elementary is what makes my life somewhat normal, because she knows what I can do with my power, and although, it is not an open secret, what our family can do, I still want to be seen as normal, so I don't use my powers carelessly, unlike the other person in the house who is older, therefore must be responsible in using our powers, but doesn't bother to do it, because she thinks highly of herself. Anyways, I'm getting off track, my best friend accidentally saw what I did that day, using my powers, but she  kept it a secret until this day, which I'm very grateful for. But that's story for another day.

Since the situation I'm in right now is kind of strange. I'm used to it though, because normally, the situations in my life is much more urgent, and definitely not what you call normal in a way.

It started when I arrived home from my lectures, tired and hungry, drain mentally, physically, I have the stamina of a monster since it runs in the family, but that doesn't mean I don't get tired with living. But being a freshman college student is fun and tiring, but studying is not really for me, I know it's important, it will help me in my future, if I don't study, my mom might whip my ass with her ridiculously long hair, and that hurts more, than being whipped by a horsewhipped in the ass, though I didn't experience it before, I'm not a horse obviously, but still, you get what I'm trying to say, point is my mom might not be the most violent parent, unlike others when disciplining their children, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't hesitate to beat our asses, if we do stupid things, it's tough love, and not what you expect of a mother who should be showering her children affection but, she shows she care by providing for us, the soft love we get is from our father, he's a sweet and affectionate man to his children, he isn't hesitant in showing us how much he loves and cares for us deeply, again, our family dynamics is not typical, but it works, I'm very grateful to have them as my parent, I guess my sister too.

My mother, shows her care for us not in the way our father shows affection to us, because gentleness is not a word she knows in her life. But she showed us how to be strong physically, mentally and emotionally.

And now back to my strange situation, I remember arriving at our house, seeing my father working, so I didn't disturb him, and just greeted him, then go straight to my room. The house is quiet because Haesoon is in college like me, and she's a senior this year, so busy is the only word she knows right now, I know mom is at work, and Great grandmother and grandmother is out there living their lives to the fullest. Even though we have this incredible gift, our family is just living in a normal house that is just right for all of us, it's not big or small, just right for us.

Then, after that, I remember going into my room, to change from my uniform, already planning eat and rest early. Because I have so many things to do, and deadlines to meet, then, I remembered feeling drowsy so after changing, I went straight to bed, plans forgotten.

I know I had a dream that night, but after I woke up, the memory vanished, and so my daily routine after waking up started, by me reminding myself to have control in my strength.

Actually, the strange situation I'm in right now happened when I didn't even have any meal yet, the most important part of my day, and that's probably why I didn't notice that I'm not in my bed. Hunger can do that to you, and believe me when I say that you don't want to meet my hungry self, she's real grumpy and punchy.

Now that I'm in this situation I wonder, why I'm not panicking and scared, just annoyed.

The place I'm in right now is like a vast forest, and its really vast since all I'm seeing is trees and grass, great job to my brain right there, more importantly I'm really hungry right now, I don't remember eating before passing out. Shit, all that studying and not eating is really torture, that I want to punch my desk, but that's school property so it's best that I don't.

I pushed myself to stand up from my lying position, and noticed that all I'm wearing is my big shirt and pajama, and that I'm barefooted. Great way to start a day really, how am I supposed to get food damn it! Survival is not my forte, but thankfully, I have my brute strength as a cheat.

I'll just punch my way out of this goddamn forest.

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