"Why did you invite her? Do you know her?" Amina turned to Amira angrily.

"Yes, she is my best friend Hanan."

"Hanan?" Amina muttered in a confused tone.

"Are you sure she is Hanan?" Amir chipped in asking.

"Yes, Umi met her at my grad and she invited her herself," Amira replied, she felt guilty as she realized her brother's wedding party had turned into chaos all thanks to her friend, Hanan who was not at all affected by everyone's displeased faces.

"Amir and Amina the latest couple in town, relax, no need to get cranky, it's me, the same girl you knew three years ago, I know you both can never forget me, is it the dress that's making you all angry? Okay, I will fix it, give me a sec." Hanan smiled, taking her time to grab a wine from one of the guests, she poured some into a glass, took little sips of it, and then moved to Amina dropping the glass to the floor which caused a big splash all over Amina's dress.

"Oh my God! What did you do?"Amina snapped. Hanan's action got everyone speechless, yet Hanan didn't give a damn.

"Now that she got some spill of red wine all over her dress, we don't look identical, do we?" She announced asking the crowd whose voices were beginning to rise.

"Everyone! Listen! Can the party be brought back to life since we no longer look the same?" She smiled enjoying the look of frustration Amina plastered on her face.

"You've lost it! Let's go!" Amira snapped snatching Hanan's wrist to leave, but Amina blocked their way.

"She can't leave without apologizing and paying for the mess she caused!" Amina glared fully in a mood to fight.

"Apology?" Hanan scoffed laughing to her heart's content.

"I should be the one demanding an apology from your toxic family!" She snapped.

"Shut up! You've lost your mind!" Hajiya interrupts joining the scene in rage.

"And here comes the mother of the bride, or should I say the villain?" Hanan beamed taking a bow to welcome her.

She recalled how much she used to fear her, especially when she glared this much, but today she stood her ground with no fear nor respect for the middle-aged woman who was once her so-called mother-in-law.

"You crash into my daughter's wedding looking like a cheap copy and you dare to insult us? The nerve you have?!" Hajiya snapped, yelling out with so much rage that she raised her hand to Hanan's face but she was held back.

"Don't you!" Hajiya's hand was held by the only person she couldn't go against.

And at that instant, their gaze locked again.

They met again!

At that moment, Hanan wondered if time had frozen, Or if she died for a second and reincarnated.

A huge silence that speaks volumes encompasses them.

His piercing gaze was still the same as they stood face to face re-opening the floodgates to all their memories, she felt nothing but anger and pain.

His eyes desperately searched hers, he saw a familiar yet changed face, he took a step closer and quickly she instinctively stepped away, her heart never stopped thudding beneath her dress though.

"It's you, Habiba?" He murmured, his eyes glistening with shock and contentment.

Hanan for a moment held her breath fumbling for what to say, presently, all the cumulative anger and depression for three years flooded back, and hearing him uttering her name made her more bitter.

HIS LOVE  *A Sequel to HER WORTH*Where stories live. Discover now