"Sam!" Clayton screamed as the blue and red lights shined into the windows.

Clayton was grateful as the paramedics rushed in and shoved him aside to work on Sam. He stood up, unable to watch.

His eyes turned towards Alice. She was standing into the doorway. Wide-eyed and trembling. Clayton for the first time, didn't know what to do.

He just stood in the doorway, every emotion coursing through his veins. Sam's now dried blood covered his face and hands

There was a moment. It's as if Alice could read his mind. She reach out to him, her skin soft as Clayton grabbed her hand.

He made it two steps before collapsing into her.

They walked outside and it's then when Clayton finally lost it. He cried. For the first time in ten years, he actually cried.

Clayton didn't know what to do, he was losing everything. He pressed his forehead into Alice's shoulder. She didn't say anything, just held him.

"Allie. It's my fault. He's my best friend!" Clayton pleaded, completely breaking his glass walls he'd work so hard to put up.

Fuck! This is emotion. He is feeling. His subconscious dropped to its knees, crying as well.

"It's not your fault," Alice whispered, holding him tighter.

Suddenly paramedics came out pulling Sam out as he laid on a stretcher. Ruth leaning against Daniel for support.

His eyes flicked towards Clayton.

"Fuck! Sammy?" Clayton said.

"Don't worry about me Clay." Sam smiled, gasping for air as he was lead away into the ambulance.

Clayton stood with Alice, watching.

Daniel and Ruth soon followed, walking together to the ambulance, holding each other close.

Clayton saw Daniel glance towards his direction as he sat beside Ruth, his face was filled with complete defeat. Clayton watched as the doors shut, quickly driving away.

"You are going to stay here. I will be back," he said, leading her into the house as the sirens moved further away.

She sobbed harder at the thought of being alone.

"No. Please. Don't leave me," Alice pleaded, taking in deep breaths between every word.

Clayton grabbed her hand, pulling her into Sam's bedroom room with a little too much force.

"Don't come out. Hide. Wait until I come back," he said, trying to remain calm.

"No!" Alice cried, gripping onto his sleeve a little too tight.

"Hey! Alison. I will be back. I promise!" he said, trying not to raise his voice towards an already distraught Alice.

He was pressing his fingers into her shoulders as she stared at him wide eyed.

Stepping away, he walked back into his bedroom.

Scanning the interior. Clayton was pretty sure this was a drug house. No, he was certain.

Brushing his fingertips along the walls. He tapped alongside with his knuckles a few times.

Nothing but drywall. The heaviness of the wood, until it went hallow.


He took a few seconds, preparing his fist for impact. If he was right, the wall should be filled with weapons or as least some serious walking around money. Drug dealers don't hide away from displays of violence.

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