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"Who is he? "As everyone in the mansion is busy to welcome someone I asked jin " Oh he is yuna's dad" Yuna's dad? Why he is coming here? Maybe understanding my thoughts he said"he is really close to king, Rm said King's training wasn't so easy , then yuna's father helped was the only person who helped him "How he helped him? And why does a king need help? I wanna ask but I would rather know these from jungkook. " When he is coming?" I asked instead"oh I think he'll be here in an hour""what are you guys talking about,I am really hurt you guys are not telling me anything these days? " Jimin asked from behind "you tell me what is going on between you and yoongi? " Jin asked "what? You think we can have anything between us? " Jimin said while laughing "yeah I definitely think" Jin replied while sketching a pink dress, he really is good at fashion designing "and why do you think may I know? " Jimin asked sitting beside us in couch"because he started to look at you how king look at tae" "How he look at? " Jimin and me, we both asked almost same time Jin laughed at our reaction "like even the world sets on fire they will still not look anywhere".and we both froze " Ok I have to work now" I said wanted to avoid jin's stare and thr tingling sensation in my heart"yeah me too" Jimin said then we walked away,I don't think jungkook like me that much ,is he?


I came to the mansion after work and saw everyone In the drawing room I walked closer then saw a midle aged man sitting beside jungkook why is he looking so familiar?
"Don't worry queen I'll take care of him. "
"Please, he is very precious to me"
"Why Mommy? Why can't kookie come with us? "
"Tae don't ask too many questions, good boys obey there parents, ok? "
"Don't cry queen I promise I'll take a good care of him"
"No I don't want to go without him"
"Let's go tae"
"No.. Leave me noo"

"No ahh" "Tae", " Taehyung""tae.... "

Jk's pov

We were talking with uncle about NewYork mafia As uncle came here after 1 year. But suddenly I heard tae's scream then he went unconscious in my arm doctor said for sudden pressure in his brain he passed out. Currently I am sitting beside him in our bed carasing his hair for last 1 hour "no.. No please, please " I came close to him and heard him begging someone in his sleep and I wanna burn that person alive, crack his skull open, my princess don't beg, he orders "wake up princess, you slept enough" I pat his head "wake up please princess" I put my lips on him and he jolted up and I hugged him " You ok princess? " "King ,Mr lee went back to hotel " Rm said from outside the door and tae stiffned. "What happened princess? "He looked at me with his glossy eyes and said" I don't know just my head started paining and.. I don't remember after. " "It's ok let me bring some food here"I was about to go but tae stopped me by holding my hands then hugged me " Stay.. " And I slept then put her on me and text rm to say someone to bring food in our room.

Tae's pov
"Mom tell me please, yesterday I went unconscious those can't be my imagination, those words, felt real mom"
I asked her through cell phone, after waking up I came straight to my office then called her I have to know the real reason behind my panic attacks "I told you severel times tae, in your childhood your close friend died and you lost your memory on that incident"
"But mom"
"Please tae get over it already it's been years"she said and I wanna scream that I can't, I just can't 'he' haunt me in my sleep
" Ok mom I'll talk to you later"
"If you want leave the work and come here"
"No mom I am fine" And I cut the call and closed my eyes, who are you? Why are you keep coming to me?

Taehee's pov

"You promised me, he won't be in any trouble, then why? "
"Leave everything, we already got our revenge then why are you staying there? "
"ill come soon queen"
"Stop calling me queen, you use to call me mom "
"I don't deserve it queen" I sigh
"What happened that day wasn't your fault kookie, stop blaming yourself"
"Can I call you later queen, I have some work pending"
"Ok" I know he isn't gonna call me back anytime soon.

Thank you for reading ❤ have a happy day 💕 and please comment or vote if you want to 👑

My King👑 (Taekook)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora