Chapter Seventeen: Ultimate Fate

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A month after Naruto has three women in his life with engagement rings, he also asks Fu to marry him, and she says yes, and now he has a big promise to be at their side on the day of their wedding which will be in a few years.

Three years later, Naruto now eighteen years old had returned to Suna with Team 6 after another successful mission, "What's next sensei?." Kiiro asked as they walked past the main gates "Well...We could do some training later?." he said to them and they all nodded, "Alright, we all meet at six o'clock sharp." he said then he walked off heading home but then he turned around facing at his team "You can take a time out team, and having you three as my team has been the best team ever." he said then he walked away giving a thumbs up to his team.

Team 6 smiled and headed home to prepare themselves for their upcoming training with Naruto, Naruto had just gotten up to the front door before it swung open and Fu accidentally bashed into him making all of the paper in her arms go everywhere "Fu, are you okay." he said helping her up, "I'm alright Naruto, I'm just a little late for work." she said as Gaara gave her the job of being his secretary, "Oh man...I forgot to report to Gaara." Naruto said as he quickly helped Fu to get her papers.

Upon arriving at the Kazekage office, Naruto and Fu are a little surprised to see Sakura, Tenten, Ino, Kala, Karin, Haku, Anko, Kurenai, Tsunade, Shizune, Kankuro, and Hengoku standing at the desk "What's going on?." Fu asked then Hengoku spoke, "Gaara has asked us to see him, something about an announcement, even you two were summoned." he said leaving Naruto and Fu with puzzling looks on their faces, once everyone had gathered in Gaara's office they saw Hinata sitting at his desk helping with some paperwork "Gaara wished to see us Hinata." Naruto said as Hinata looked up and smiled "He shouldn't be too long." she said.

"What's my brother doing Hinata?." Kankuro asked then Hinata explained that he was out looking for Naruto and Fu and this left worried expressions on their faces, with quick thinking Naruto summoned three Shadow Clones "Go look for Gaara before we're mincemeat." he said then the clones left the office through the window looking for Gaara, put the clones are thrown back through the window by Gaara who used his sand to lift himself "Naruto, Fu, you're both late." he said then he walked through the window and back on his chair once Hinata stood up.

"Now Gaara, remember what I said about your anger." Hengoku said as Gaara calmed himself and then looked at everyone "You all know about Hinata and I's wedding last year." he said and everyone nodded their heads "Well...Hinata and I are expecting a baby." he said and the room filled in silence and everyone's jaw's except Tsunade have dropped, then Hinata spoke up "I found out last night." she said then giggled at the sight of everyone's silence.

Finally, after a few moments of silence, the girls of the group screamed with excitement and they all rushed around Hinata and congratulated her, even the boys congratulated Gaara which made him blush a little, and a smile formed on his lips and thanked them all, the girls except Tsunade have taken Hinata with them to celebrate leaving the boys and Tsunade a little dumbfounded.

Once the boys, Hengoku, and Tsunade have left, Naruto is asked to stay in the office as Gaara wants to give him a mission for him and team 6, "You leave tomorrow Naruto, and be careful there's something not right with this mission." he said showing a bit of concern in his voice, Naruto nodded then do what he normally does until he has to meet up with Team 6.

Once Naruto had met up with Team 6, Naruto told them that they weren't doing any training tonight as they had a mission first thing tomorrow morning and needed their energy, Team 6 simply nodded and went back home but Sara felt like there was something not right about this, Naruto returned home and surprised Sakura who's always home before the others.

Naruto explained about the mission that Gaara had him and Team 6 to happen tomorrow, Sakura kissed Naruto's cheek then she went to the kitchen to fix something up for Naruto, she told Naruto to straight to bed once they had eaten dinner once Naruto had finished he kissed Sakura goodnight then headed off to bed for his next mission.

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