Chapter Eleven: Team Fighting Dreamers

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Upon arriving at Tsunade's door Shizune opened it "Mother, Father? Are you both home?." she yelled hoping both of them were home but the house was empty, "I guess, we'll be waiting for them." she said then she offered them in their home "Please make yourself at home." she smiled as the group entered then she faced Anko.

"What is this about anyway Anko." she said and crossed her arms "Let's just catch up for now Shizune, this news is for all three of you," she said and entered the house closing the door behind herself before Shizune about to walk off to her step-mother's room to clean up she turned to Anko "Oh, I almost forgot Anko, there's Dango in the" she saw stars in Anko eyes then she bolted to the kitchen for her food.

"She is not going to leave until tomorrow now," Kala said, standing next to Shizune and startled by her and screeching "How long have you been there?." she said then Kala looked up at her "Oh just now, wanted to ask where is the bathroom." she said and looking like she needed the bathroom badly, "Then just follow me, I am heading that way anyway." she said as she led Kala to the bathroom "Here you go," she said with a smile then she walked off to do other things.

Kala and Shizune both went to do their own business, a minute later the door knocked and Sakura went to answer it "Hello!." she said in her welcoming voice and opened the door, standing at the door were the owners Tsunade who was drunk out of her nut and being carried by her husband Hengoku Uzumaki Senju, "Welp, I'll get my answer soon." he said then he dragged in his wife "Please sir allow us to help." Tenten said as she and Sakura took Tsunade off his hand and headed her to their bedroom.

"Thank you very much, ladies," he said as he finally got to stand up straight and took a look around but then he looked back down Well, well if it isn't my great-nephew Naruto." she said as he picked up on his shoulder "I wasn't expecting a visit from you." he said with a smile on his face then he noticed Anko, "Something happened," he said as he sees a streaming tear down her cheek and she simply nodded her head.

Hengoku walked over to Anko with Naruto on his shoulder "Is it the old man?." he said with a puzzled look on his face but Anko shook her head, with that understanding he put Naruto down then stood back up crossing his arms "How bad are we talking about?." he said, "This news involves you, Aunt Tsunade, and Shizune." she said as she took her box of Dango and sat down at the dining table.

"You and your team are welcome to stay Anko." he said then Shizune walked into the living room with an ice bag on her forehead "Is it your mother again," he asked Shizune nodded her head, Sakura and Tenten came back through with a black eye each but Sakura got a broken arm, "Oh my kami what happened," he said as he rushed over to Sakura and patched up her arm "Mr. Senju, your wife is up," she said then they all hear heavy footsteps and angry fists clenching up.

Hengoku and Anko get ready for the civil war that's about to happen, Tsunade walks into the living room then scans, and from her actions, she spots someone whom she isn't ready to see yet "Na...Naruto?." she says then continued saying, "What's going on here!." she says then walked over to Shizune and the two girls who got hurt by her.

"Aunt Tsunade, the news I have will bring aches to your heart." she said as she couldn't hold back a tear from her eye, which Tsunade noticed and nodded "Alright, right after breakfast young lady, you tell us what happened," she said and Anko nodded in agreement, everyone had gone to their assigned bedrooms while Naruto got a room to himself, Sakura and Tenten are annoyed but they got a room together.

as Tsunade and Hengoku went to bed, Tsunade couldn't help but feel a hole in her heart from a bad feeling she had been having, even Shizune had the same feeling it was like a tone of bricks hit her heart.

The next morning Naruto and Shino are first up and they work together to make breakfast, "Naruto." Shino said getting his attention "Yeah Shino? What's up?." he said looking at his teammate "With respect Naruto, I wish to not be here when sensei tells them the news." he said as he waited for an answer from Naruto.

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