Chapter Nine: Konoha Invasion III: Kimba's Last Fight

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Thirty Minutes Earlier.

"Ah If it isn't my old sensei and my old rival Kimba Uzumaki," Orochimaru said as he looked at them menacingly "This war of yours ends now," said Kimba as he went for the first attack followed by Hiruzen as they struck at Orochimaru and he is on par with them both, "Now now, you shouldn't disrespect your elders Kimba," he said and taunting him only to get kneed in the stomach by Hiruzen "You always never look around your surroundings," he said as he get ready for another strike.

Orochimaru smirked as he smiled at them "I have a surprise for you both." he chuckled and then he started doing the Edo Tensei, Hiruzen looked in shock as two coffins raised then the lids fell off relieving First Hokage Hashirama Senju and his brother the Second Hokage Tobirama Senju "You dare disrespect the dead Orochimaru." Kimba said as he took out his short sword and kunai then Hiruzen gets ready for round two of this fight.

Both Senju brothers looked at Hiruzen and Kimba then Tobirama looked behind himself and his brother "Hmm...Edo Tensei." he said then Hashirama spoke up "Guessing we're forced to fight you, my student." he said and crossed his arms, both Hiruzen and Kimba nodded to Lord First's question "Do not hold a grudge, nor hold back." Tobirama said as he and his brother get ready to fight "Keep Kimba busy." Orochimaru said as he charged at Hiruzen.

Fifteen Minutes Earlier.

Beaten, bleeding, and bruised Kimba and Hiruzen feel their battle coming close to an end "Any one last plan sensei" Kimba said as he continued to stand his ground, "There is one trip up my sleeve, but you must hold off the First and Second Hokage." he said as he lunged for Orochimaru who is hardly beaten up from the fight, "Round three, Master Uzumaki." Hashirama said as he and Tobirama lunged for Kimba, Kimba fought Tobirama until Hashirama rushed past Kimba and sliced his arm off "AAAHHH!" Kimba screamed in pain at the loss of his arm.

Present Time.

Kimba looked over to his left to see his daughter and nephew standing on the other side of the barrier "They...Shouldn't...Be here." he said getting the Senju brothers to look at the ninjas outside of the barrier, "What are your relations to those two young ninjas?." Hashirama said and pointed at the two "My daughter...And my nephew." he said, then Lord First spoke up again "I am sorry that they need to see this." he said as both brothers let their guard down when Kimba knocked down Tobirama out cold then he strike at Hashirama.

In a desperate attempt to trap Hashirama in a makeshift tomb Kimba used Mokuton to do it "Whatever happens, I hold no grudge against you." he said which Lord First nodded, Kimba took a couple of notes out of his pockets and placed them in a box then he left it on the roof, he looked at Naruto and Kala then smiled at them, Hiruzen and landed on his feet just near to Tobirama then Orochimaru landed on his feet also and tried to attack Hiruzen.

Hiruzen quickly grabbed Orochimaru's arms and held him in place "Let's see if you escape the Dead Demon Consuming Seal." he said as Orochimaru had fear in his eyes for the first time and tried to get out of Hiruzen's grip, Tobirama can't stop himself from taking his sword and about to stab Hiruzen, Kimba noticed this and quickly darted behind Hiruzen facing the sword as it went through his heart.

Blood seeping down from the hole in his heart down the sword "Forgive me young Uzumaki." said Tobirama as he was about to pull out the sword but Kimba grabbed the sword and kept it in his body "I will not let you kill Hiruzen." he said as he uses the remaining strength he has, but Hiruzen looked behind him and this gave Orochimaru the chance to break free from Hiruzen.

Orochimaru managed to break free and stepped away and saw that part of his plan had worked "Such a shame that he is dying." he said as he smiled evilly at the scene before him, Hiruzen was shocked to see Kimba took the strike instead of him then everyone heard a scream outside of the barrier, it was Kala who is screaming at the scene and just watched her father took the sword for Hiruzen.

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