11 3 2

Scarlett stared at her cousin silently as she tried to process the news Fleur had just dropped. They were back at home after Rome had all of a sudden backed away and ran off after seeing Fleur and Asher had all but rudely shooed them off.
But that wasn't what had silenced Scarlett... No, it wasn't.
Fleur had revealed how she and Rome had met each other 4 summers ago and had a past together.

“your silence is killing me.” Fleur spoke up and Scarlett chuckled.

“Gimme a minute more. I'm trying to see how I can pin the blame on that guy and make you feel better.” she replied and Fleur smiled.

“Thanks couz but the faults all mine. Rome was a sweet guy, really... I on the other hand, was a lost cause. Still is.”

“Don't say that Fleur. Rome has his dark side too. Have you read the posts about him...the things people said he did.”

“I don't care what the fuck the internet says Scarlett! Rome wouldn't do that. Smoking,yes but raping a girl? That is wayyyyyy not Rome...”

“People change Fleur. I can tell you that.” Scarlett said then frowned as athe thought of her experience went through her mind.

“And it's not everything you see on the internet that you should believe. Rome is a good guy...a good guy who's facing a lot of demons. Besides,we both are not one to judge him.”

Scarlett sighed“True.”

They both fell silent, deciding to focus on their assignments rather than dwelling on what had happened. They worked on until one of Scarlett siblings came to call them down for dinner.

Later that night,when they were both comfortable under the covers, Scarlett brought up their previous conversation.
“So, I was wondering...” she started and Fleur turned around to face her.

“you were wondering?”

“Do you still you still love Rome?”she asked in a whisper then awaited Fleur's reply.
The seconds that passed before Fleur replied felt like minutes to Scarlett.“Do you?”

Fleur sighed.“I thought I had loved Darrold...but I was wrong. Maybe it was just that unruly part of me that wanted to get back at my parents or maybe I was just so stupid, either way I know now that I don't.”

Scarlett remained silent, wondering why Fleur was talking about Darrold when she had asked about Rome.

“Mistakes will let you realize a lot. You asked if I still love Rome...well yes Scarlett, I do. I still love him but if I'm going to be honest to you, I would not wish myself for Rome again and he wouldn't want me either.”

“Why?” Scarlett asked and Fleur looked at her as if she had just asked the world's dumbest question.

“Wasn't it obvious...he practically disappeared when he saw me!”

“No,not Rome. I'm talking about you.”


“Yes. Why do you not want to be with him?”

“I do want to be with him Scarlett but there are somethings that cannot be changed. Even if things work out, I can't hurt Rome again.”

“What do you mean?”

“I ... I also added to his demons.”she sniffed.

“Are.. are you crying?”

“I'm not good for Rome Scarlett. He was too good for me. I knew his issues and added to it. I love Rome but I'm done hurting good people.”she said and with that turned her back to sleep, leaving Scarlett to wonder if there was a part in Fleur and Rome's story that Fleur hadn't mentioned.

Bexley shifted uncomfortably under her mum's gaze as she picked up her glass of juice to take a sip. She was aware that they knew what she had done. Adrianna was avoiding eye contact with her while she mum was just staring at her intently. What bothered her was why they hadn't said anything.

“That's it. I've had enough of the silence. Explain yourself young missy”

Bexley licked her lower lip then looked up from her cup to stare at her mum.
“Explain what?”

“Why you exposed that poor girl Bexley. She did nothing to you”

“She stole my spot”she whispered.

“She didn't take anything from you Bexley. You lost it because of your mistakes.”Adrianna spoke up. She was already tired of Bexley's mood swings and constant grumbling.

Bexley faced her sister and stared at her with hard eyes.“Oh so now you can talk?”

“I was never dumb Bexley. I just decided to keep quiet but you know what, I'm tired of your constant grumbling,blames and crappy mood swings. Grow Up!” Adrianna replied, stood up and took her plate to the kitchen.

“Yh,yh. Say whatever but you don't know how I feel right now and you can never because you can't be what I am. You can't achieve what I've achieved. Not in the next thousand years of your life!” she yelled after her.

“Bexley!”her mother slammed both palms against the table making the latter flinch. “What the hell has gotten into you? You aren't you!”

Bexley chuckled then burst into sudden tears. “Nothing! Nothing!” she shouted and ran out of the dining room.

Adrianna came out of the kitchen and went over to their mother. She hugged her and sighed.“I think Bexley needs help mum. She's getting worse every day.”

Their mum let out a sad exhale before nodding.“You are right. Bexley does need help.”


Rome rolled over and stared at the old poster in the room his grandma had prepared for him. The poster showed the earth and so many things. There was a verse also, Genesis 6:6. He took note of it and promised himself to check the bible later. As he rolled over again, the image of Fleur set in again and he groaned. He raked his fingers across his face and nearly pulled at his hair.

She was still as pretty as he remembered her to be. She had been like a dream the first time he had seen untouchable dream which he did end up getting and regretting in the end. Fleur had been everything but decisive. She was the type of girl who didn't know her path but he had still fallen for her anyway.

Her betrayal was the most painful feeling he had ever felt.

He never liked any girl the way he had liked her after that. Fleur was the only one who had seen the real him yet destroyed it too.
“Mar...”he whispered to himself as he eyes started to droop.

They were laughing...
They were drunk...
And they were talking about taking turns.

Elora struggled violently against the chair she had been tied onto. She couldn't let them. Her life was pretty wounded,she couldn't let them take what was not theirs.

“Let me go, please. I promise I won't go to the police ” she begged but they only laughed at her.

Just as one of them bent over her,she got one of her tied hands released and on instinct,she made a grab for his eyes but grabbed nothing.

He was no longer there and so we're the others. Her arms were free. She wasn't in the room but on a misty road.

There was a shadow up ahead. The shadow stretched out it's hand and muttered two words.

"Help Me"

Elora woke up with a start, nearly choking. She took a quick look around her room then accessed her body. Everything was still intact.

Maybe I do need to speak to that Rome guy... She mused silently.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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