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............Rome Adams.........
“Bro! Over here.”
Rome looked around to spot whoever had called him and found the most popular guy in their school waving him over. His jaw dropped slightly and the cigarette in his mouth dropped. “Shit!”he muttered as he stared at the guy. He forced a smile and looked away. One thing he didn't allow was school life in his secret life. All his street friends didn't attend school because having friends who used drugs and watched porn in the same school was dangerous. To Rome, it was a death wish.
He picked up his glass and sipped his beer slowly. The chair beside him creaked and when he looked, Mason was sitting beside him.
You have got to be shitting me....he mused silently. Apparently the guy didn't understand the gesture:thank you but I'll pass.
“hey dude. I waved you over just now. I swear I saw you look towards me and smile...”he said and Rome nearly rolled his eyes. Mason might be handsome and wealthy but the boy was beyond dumb.
“I didn't want to spoil your friend circle. ”he replied and nodded towards the table where Mason friends sat.
“oh,you won't be ruining anything.”Mason smirked. “Besides, I didn't take you for one who smokes or drinks even. ”
Again, he forced a smile.
“I do it once in a while and I want it to stay inside you. My parents are not in support. ”
Mason grinned. “secret life, I get it. My lips are sealed.”he made a zip gesture.
Rome nodded and downed the remaining contents in his glass. Mason looked from the glass to his face. “wanna come over to my place? There's a small party we're throwing.”
“how many people?”
“About 10. Boys only. ”
Rome mulled it over. He didn't have anywhere to go at the moment and presently,his parents thought he was at the local library. Mason seemed cool too.
“Fine. Let's go. ”
“cool. It's a night that I promise you'll never forget.” Mason said with a smirk. A creepy feeling of unease crawled against Rome's skin at the statement but he brushed it off.

........England, London.
..........Elora Benjamin..........
Elora smiled to herself as she watched IFy latest drop. The girl really knew the right words to say to girls who felt beneath pretty. She was the perfect face for Vogue...the right one.
She was perfect to her.
Unlike myself... She thought miserably and walked over to her full length mirror. She turned side to side and frowned at her chubby stature.
Feel Beautiful Elora, she chided inwardly and walked away from the mirror.
A soft knock sounded on her door and it opened after. Her twin sister, Elena, peeked in and smiled.
“can I come in?”
Elora shrugged. “yeah whatever. You're partially inside already.”she replied and Elena walked in, closing the door after her.
“how are you doing?”she asked softly and walked over to the bed to sit beside Elora.
“Nervously waiting for our parents decision.”she replied nonchalantly and Elena sighed.
“I know you disappointed them by what you did but they do understand Elora. They knew why...”
She cut her short. “stop. Just——stop, okay?”
“Elora...”she reached for her but Elora shifted back.
“I said stop. They don't understand and you don't either. You're the beautiful and loved twin and I'm the ugly duckling.”
“Don't say that...”
“it's true El. I'm sure the reason why I'm still here is because they haven't found a place to stash me.”
“They wouldn't do that. Our parents love you Elora.”
“well, they don't show it do they?”she snapped. “and since they didn't, I looked for love elsewhere and how did I end up...bad! I fell for a stupid guy who made me feel on top of the world.”
“I ended up pregnant Elena. I ended up pregnant and aborted it. I'm a bad daughter and I admit it. I admit that I was wrong okay! But I swear that if Father and Mother push me away once more, then I'm gone for good. I swear it El.”
“you. . .”Elena opened her mouth to speak but the door opened and their mother entered.
“Dinner's ready girls.”she said and left almost immediately.  The twins both shared a look of anxiousness and stood up.

Dinner was the worst...
It was akward and silent and Elora felt suffocated. She knew they had come to a final decision. The look on their faces said it all. Unable to take the silence, she dropped her cutlery, catching their attention immeadiately.
“say it mother, I know you and father have finally decided.” she spoke up and stared at them directly in the eye. Her father gave her a stern look but she didn't back down.
“you're sending me away, isn't it.”she stated and her mother gulped. “you don't need to hide it. I know you're embarrassed of me. I'm the unruly black and white striped zebra of the family. The black daughter that brought shame to her family in the whole community.”
“we—are not sending you away honey. We...we are just sending you off to a boarding school for nuns.”her mother spoke up and she scoffed.
“Mother!'”Elena gasped.
“I'd rather die than to become a Nun. For the record, you've lost me.”she stood up and left the table notwithstanding the way her father was yelling for her to come back.
That night she had left London...

That was 5 days ago.

She was in oasis now, for a new life, she thought with a wry smile. The memories always came when she was less busy and she had just ended her shift at the little bar she worked.

Fortunately, she didn't look like a minor with her stature and the owner of the bar had believed her false story of running away from an abusive step father and rented one of the rooms to her.

As she walked down the silent street, a nagging voice told her to turn around and go back to the bar. She ignored it at first as she was enjoying the calm breeze and cool quiet but after a while, she listened and was just about to turn around when a hand closed over her mouth. She struggled and tried to scream but a firm hand held her close to her unknown assaulter.
“Hello beautiful, don't be scared we're gonna have a lot of fun.”a voice said into her ear and everything went black after that.

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