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(Bexley Blacksmith)
Loud rock music blasted out of her stereo system as she prepared for school. The floor shook with every rhythm that bounced out and so did her head.
"Bexley!...turn that thing off right now." a voice yelled in annoyance and Bexley rolled her eyes. She walked over to the system and shut it off rather reluctantly.
"Bexley! Bexley!Bexley!"she muttered under her breath snottily as she reached for her wine red lipstick. She uncapped it and swiped it across her small lips. She smacked them together and smiled in satisfaction.
"you're fabulous."she said softly and picked up her phone logging into her instagram account immediately. She was a famous influencer on fashion. She modelled for some products sometimes and made sure to post at least two videos a day on her page. She leaned against her dresser slightly and positioned her phone accurately then hit play.
"Hey guys, it's your fav person..."she took a momentary pause then grinned. "ME! So I'll assume we are all having a good morning cos I am. Just take a look at me."she did a quick show of her outfit then returned it to her face.
"A little birdie told me last night that The Vogue is looking for the new glam face and ya know...i enlisted my name. It would be so nice to get all your support right..."she pouted and just then her sister's voice rang out.
"well, seems it's time to go. I don't wanna be late for school. Don't forget to vote. Love y'all. Coochies."she blew a kiss and stopped recording.
After posting it, she swung her bag over her shoulder and left for the kitchen just as her sister(Adrianna) started to call again.
"chillax Sis. I'm right here. Ready and hyped for school. Yayyy"Bexley cut her off in a sarcastic tone."Morning mom"she greeted their mother who was making sure she had everything she needed for work.
"Morning sweetie pie. How was your beauty sleep?"
Adrianna frowned "ohhhhh...she gets an how was your beauty sleep and I don't?" she queried and their mother sighed.
"Not this morning Adri. You're the elder one honey. Act like it and stop whining."
"oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I wasn't born beautiful like B.B here so that I can be getting you contracts and fame mum."
Bexley stepped in. "Adri...don't¡"she warned and Adrianna scowled at her.
"one'll prefer my life to yours."she said and stood up, walking out of the kitchen angrily. Bexley rolled her eyes.
"Guess no breakfast this morning uh?" she muttered as she snatched a granola bar off the counter and pecked her mom goodbye.
"Try not to bite each others heads off okay?"
"Sure Mum."
Bexley had never had that sisterly understanding with Adrianna that most of her friends had with their own sisters. She didn't exactly understand why but her biggest guess was the attention she(Bexley) got even if she was younger. And she was right.
What Bexley didn't know was that Adrianna only felt insecure and left out. As soon as Bexley was brought into the world, she was forgotten. And that had hurt her baddddd.
The ride to school was silent and very disturbing to Bexley. Adrianna was on her phone and the look on her face screamed 'Back off'. She tried striking small talk.
"what do you want o great goddess of beauty."Adrianna replied dragging her statement in an annoying fashion.
"Stop calling me... "she cut in before Bexley could finish.
"yhyh. I know but you called my name first. "
"why aren't we like them Adri...why is it always arguments all the time? "Bexley asked softly. Adrianna stared at her for a while then shook her head.
" it will always be this way Bex. Ironic as it sounds, we can never be like them. "She replied and just then the driver pulled over at a parking spot. Adri got down before Bexley could say anything else and the latter sighed.
Grabbing her backpack, she got down from the car only to be scooped up into the air by a familiar pair of arms. She giggled as her boyfriend's spun her around and people took pictures. " hey you. "he poked her cheek playfully as he let her down.
" Morning Blake. "
" And how was my barbie doll's night huh? "
"Fine...i guess."she replied then tugged at his arm."c'mon, I plan on getting something to eat before class. Didn't really have breakfast. "
"well lucky you sweetheart. I have something that might sustain you till lunch time. "he drawled and she sighed out in relief.
"Thank goodness. That's why you're the best Blake. "
He smirked. " I know sweetheart. I know. "
After classes, Bexley walked down to the cafeteria with Blake alongside her friends, Juni and Fiona.
" so I was thinking about a dress you could shoot for and submit to Vogue. It's epic, really."Fiona gushed an d Bexley smiled.
" as long as it's not red then I'm good."
They found a table and occupied it. Blake's guys joined them a little while later. As lunch time rolled by, Bexley's mind slipped in and out of the chatter. She hadn't seen Adri since at the car and she hadn't been to the cafeteria for lunch too. The feeling of Blake's hand travelling up her thigh brought her back to earth. She gasped softly as he trailed further and leaned into her. "something bothering you? "he whispered huskily and she bit her lower lip.
" someone might see us Blake. "she replied and darted a look around. Thankfully, everyone seemed lost in their own group chatter including Blake and her friends. His fingers grazed her panties and she fought a gasp. "Let's ditch here babe."he said and she nodded. They stood up and slunk away from the table. Blake guided her through the crowd, his left hand on her waist. As soon as they were out of the cafeteria, they hurried for the janitor closet.
"we have 15 more minutes before lunch break is over babe. Let's make good use of it."he said huskily and bit her ear playfully. She giggled and he used his foot to slam the door shut.
"what do you want...a h**d? a quickie? quick f*******g?"he whispered and placed butterfly kisses around her neck. She sighed in content and ran her hands up his abs.
"the last option is still the neatest. My clothes won't get wrinkled that way."she replied in a very flirty tone and smiled. His smile matched hers as his fingers found its way into her skirt and then her panties. Her head went back instantly as different sensations flooded her.
"Blake..."she moaned out and he smirked.
"you like it uhn?"he asked and she nodded. "great. About what I asked for as a birthday present?"
"huh?...wha... Oh my!"she sighed out. Her mind was foggy from what he was doing to her and she tried her best to catch onto what he was saying.
"the pictures babe. Won't you give them to me."
"Blake...we've...we've talked about this. I...I'm not comfortable doing that."she said and moaned when his fingers hit a spot.
"c'mon Bex...i promise nothing's gonna happen."
She came onto his fingers and tried to calm herself by taking in deep breaths and letting them out. She looked up when she had finally calmed and met his sparkling brown eyes.
" 'bout this---when you feel horny, I'll send you something special."she suggested and he beamed.
"I love you Bex."
"I know"she grinned.
As soon as it was closing hours, Bexley made her way to the parking lot with Juni and Fiona. They kept on throwing her knowing looks as they approached Juni's car.
"Before you ask, yes and in the janitor's closet."
She spoke up as Fiona opened her mouth to say something.
"Ewwww...i wasn't going to ask for that."she whined and Bexley rolled her eyes.
"you were going to anyway. I just saved you the stress."
Juni yawned and leaned on her car. "when are you going to show your fans that Blake's your boyfriend?" she asked and Bexley scoffed.
"I mean he's your boyfriend right...and people who aren't familiar with you don't know you're dating him. Minus the whole school actually."
Bexley shrugged."not interested. He'll want to live off my fame. Besides, I'm only with him for the fun."
Fiona made a face. "I can never understand you sometimes." she said and Bexley giggled.
"it's better that way babe. Trust me."
Her phone dinged and she brought it out of her bag. It was a notification from one of her followers.Her eyes filled as soon as she saw it was exactly what Juni had just said. As she scrolled through the other comments, she noticed they were almost similar and an idea flashed in her mind. She clicked on the live icon and smiled at the camera.
"hey people, it's your fav coming live from my school parking lot. This live video is just to clarify something. I'm single, I don't have a boyfriend and to be honest, I think I want it that way. Not sure I'm ready for any romance issue for now. But I'll be sure to let you know when I do. As usual, Love y'all. Coochies."she ended the live and faced her friends who were giving her the stink eye.
"that video is gonna break Blake's heart Bex."Juni said and Fiona nodded.
"I agree too!"
"Nahhh... He's Blake."she said waving it aside.
Juni shrugged. "Hmmmmmm, whatever you say"

{Rome Adams}
Rome Adams was someone who valued his privacy, be it his room, car, phone or anything that was his. So it wasn't a surprise that he nearly screamed his lungs out when he found his siblings going through his things.
"Martha! Darien!" he yelled and the kids froze. They both shared a glance before turning around to look at him.
"Hola big bro"Martha spoke up first.
"we were just looking for s...something. Don't worry. We're done now"her twin finished and he glared at them.
"Get out---Now!"
They grinned mischievously and scurried out of his room. He stared at his opened drawers in dismay and nearly pulled his dreads out. "Snivelling insects"he growled to himself and started to rearrange the drawers.
Rome was the first child of his parents and the star pupil of his school. His grades were golden, his attitude --superb, his charm--well, charming. His looks were no exception. He had a nice brown shining colour, chocolate brown eyes, his dark hair was braided into beautiful locks and as mentioned earlier, a charming attitude. He was a good boy to everybody especially to his parents and they adored him too. He had a good family and parents who didn't joke with church and Bible lessons. All in all, he needed his record to stay clean always for his sanity and for his parents image.
As soon as he was done arranging his things once more, he sat down in front of his desk and faced his laptop. He had been about to shoot a video of him playing the guitar and singing Hallelujah earlier when his neighbor had come to ask for something and his siblings had used the opportunity to sneak in. He picked up his guitar,strummed a few keys then relaxed into his chair and hit the start button. He started playing the notes then sang when it was time. Music was the only thing that he did not feel forced to be perfect at because it was already a gift to him. A gift from God,his parents had once said. He made a heart with his fingers and smiled at the camera once he was done singing then hit post. Just as his post uploaded, a message from his friend group popped up.
Yo Rome! You checked out the
Site yet?
The message was for him, he noted and let out a breath. Pornography was at the top of his parents and the Bible don't dos but he had ventured into it and in a way liked it. There were some things he had done too that his parents would have freaked out if they knew.

.....But No....

That was his own secret life. A life no one could find out about. A life that could ruin his life.

[Declan Campbell ]
It was family dinner time again...
He was dreading it, just like everytime they had it. The pitiful looks and hushed comments were always too much and he hated it but endured it all. He had no friends....well, not until recently. He liked to keep to himself.
Nobody wanted to be friends with the wheelchair guy anyway...he thought sadly as he operated his AI chair to take him over to the dining room. The chatter stopped at once and they all focused on him. Thick tension filled the air and unable to bear it anymore, he rolled his and moved over to his space.
"You all know you don't need to stop discussing what ever it was that you all were before I entered because of me, right?"
His father cleared his throat and nodded. They continued on but it was nko longer the same. It was always like that with them. Always...
"So Declan...what have you been doing recently?" Gina, his eldest sister asked. He was the only son with three sisters.
He toyed with the pasta on his plate. "Nothing...much."he muttered. Hailey, his second sister rose a brow at him and he groaned silently. Here we go again...
"you know you need to start doing something D. You can't be..."
"He's stuck to a wheelchair Hailey. Be considerate." Bree, his third sister said.
"Bree..."his father's tone was laced with warning.
Unable to take it anymore, he spoke up.
"I met someone..."
"WHAT!" three eager pairs of eyes rested on him at once. He sighed and looked up.
"yes... I met a girl. Her name is Aubrey "

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