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New Jersey
Aoife Johansson

Aoife stared at her phone in bewilderment. She had the highest vote count and they were still even counting.
“you've been on your phone ever since that Bexley girl you told me about got pulled out of the contest.” her boyfriend, Jonah, spoke up and she looked up.
“sorry, I'll put it away now. I promised today for the both of us.”she said and he nodded. They were taking a walk in the park as it had been a while that they had hung out together.
“It's fine. I understand how this means to you.”he gestured to her phone and she smiled.
“Yeah. I didn't expect to have the highest vote count presently.”
“yeah...”his voice faltered a bit and she paused. He stopped walking and faced her. “what?”
“Is something bothering you Jonah?”
“Not really.”
“What do you mean by that...something is definitely wrong.”
“Let's just continue our little walk.”
“Jonah... ”
“Fine... I'm worried about you.”
Aoife was taken aback. “Me?”
“yes, you. I just have this strange feeling concerning the contest.”
“If you're talking about my fake lifestyle then say it straight out J.”
“Baby, look, I don't want anything ruining today but pretending to have it all and being happy to your fans isn't right. You don't have the perfect life and you don't need to to make them like you. You have a charm that works on many.”
“Isn't that a little late.”
“The words coming from you Jonah. Isn't it a little too late... I'm deep into the lie already J. If I tell my fans then they'll hate me. My votes will definately drop.”
“of course not. You can say it was like a stage up play. That it was a character you had played to teach them the value of beauty.”he rushed out. Aoife found it odd. Jonah was acting really off.
“Are you sure everything is alright?”she asked again and he let out a sigh at her question.
“I... I'm just scared Aoife. I realized that once you got the slot and you become so famous, I'm just gonna be...”
“oh Jonah... Nothing can ever separate us. Of course we'll still be together. We're soul mates remember?”
He grinned at that. “yeah. Soul mates.”
“Nobody has filed a report of rape Mr Adams. I can assure you. It's been almost a week now.”
Hosea raked his fingers across his face and nodded. “what about the Girl? Any news about her?”
The officer shook his head. “presently, she's no longer in oasis. We have no record of her here or anywhere at that. If I were you... I'll drop the case. Your son's lucky that the girl hadn't filed a report of not...”
     Hosea left the police station light hearted.
That case had been sorted now. Rome was in Seattle now and the girl he had raped was gone. He hoped. Their life could continue peacefully. And Rome... He needed to learn on his own as he was no longer a son to him.

New Jersey....
Mudic:Say something by a Great big world

“Bexley, c'mon just come out today. You've been up in that dang hole ever since Monday. I  know Juni is a BITCH but that shouldn't make you feel down. Bexley!”
Bexley laid on her bed, ignoring her sister's persistent voice and knocks. She didn't want to come out, couldn't they just get it.
“Bexley! ”Adrianna tried again and Bexley hissed out in anger.
“LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!”she yelled and after a while, Adrianna retreating footsteps was heard. She didn't move or do anything. She just laid down on her bed, staring at the ceiling. Right now, everything was a mess but the people around her were happy and revelling in her misery. They could not understand how she was feeling. To them she was just a joke. With a sigh, she picked up her phone which was on the table by the bedside and went straight to Instagram. Her homepage was filled with the latest news about the contest. Just the sight made anger swell deep within her soul. The girl who had the highest vote had stolen her spot. That was supposed to be her spot but someone else was using it now and it wasn't going down well for Bexley.
If I go down... All of you go down too. She mused silently and staryed to search about each of the contestants history.
Adrianna's last advice came back to her softly. We can't blame others for our problems all the time Bex. Sometimes we just have to admit our faults. Blaming or destroying another dream for your satisfaction won't help heal you... That had been 2 days ago when she had first suggested digging up dirt about the first three options who had high votes now that she was no longer on the poll but Adrianna had disagreed.

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