15 3 2

Elora smiled to herself as she walked the grounds of an abandoned park. Her misfortune in oasis had somehow brought her luck.
“welllll... I would have never believed that of all places I'll find you again... It'll be here. The universe really believes I'm innocent.”a voice said behind her and she jumped in fright.

She turned around and nearly choked once she laid her eyes on Rome. The guy who everyone believed had raped her... But had not.
“you...”she sputtered and he smirked.
“yes, me. Surprised.”he took a step forward and Elora's heart skipped two beats. She looked around the park. It was truly empty. They were the only living souls there.

“how... Why... You're here in seattle.”

Rome gave a stilted smile. “well, you practically ruined my life. You and Mason.”he spat out and she scoffed.

“I don't know what you're talking about.” she said and folded her arms across her chest.

Rome fought the urge to grab her arm and instead, took another step closer. “of course you know what I'm talking about. You won't remember me if you have no idea of it.”

Elora squared her shoulders and stepped back. “I didn't file a report, you should be grateful.”

Rone chuckled and rubbed a knuckle over his lips. “you ruined my life. I didn't rape you and you know that clearly because you planned it all with Mason. So, why should you file a report uh?”

Elora let out a sigh and let her arms fall to her side. “I don't know any Mason okay? I know you didn't rape me,that's why I did not file a report. I know it was the other guy who... Who did it.”she said and shuddered lightly.

Rome eyed her skeptically. She seemed to be telling the truth but... “Then since you know I didn't do it, why didn't you say anything. You should have spoken up and explained things. At least that would have saved me enough trouble.” he accused and Elora gave him a dry look.

“From what I read online dude, my story isn't the only thing hooked on you, so I don't get why you're so hooked up on me. Besides, whatever that happened in Oasis, died there. Excuse me.” she made a move to go around him but he grabbed her by the arm, a little to forcefully.

“you have to say something.”he growled out and Elora rose a brow.

“is that a threat I hear?” she said and met his eye squarely.

“I do not care how you see it okay... Just do as I say.”

“or what?” she taunted and he tugged her closer.

“I can be dangerous. Don't test me.”he said lowly and goosebumps arose on her skin.

“if I were you man, I'll let her go.” a voice spoke up and they both turned around at the same time to find a tall guy with chocolate curls and brown eyes standing only few feet away from them.

“and why should I?” Rome asked dumbly.

“Because her Foster mother is the mayor's wife. I'm sure you have a lot going already and you don't want more.”

Rome narrowed his eyes at the guy. “Who are you?”

“Asher Garcia. You can just call me Ash.”he replied smoothly.

Seeing Rome was distracted, Elora seized the opportunity and slipped away from his hold, bolting off immediately.

Rome turned around stunned beyond movement.

“Just let her go. I wouldn't bother if I were you cos no matter what she says, people gon' believe what they wanna believe.”Asher spoke up and then lit a cigarette.

Rome watched him for a while then looked away. “I'm guessing you know too.”he said quietly and Asher puffed out rings of smoke.

“you down?” he asked and stretched a new stick and lighter towards Rome. The latter grabbed at it without a trace of hesitation.

“Thanks.”he muttered and Asher nodded.

They stayed silent for a while, watching the shrivelled trees and dried up grasses.

“Thanks for stopping me back there.”Rome spoke up softly and Asher shrugged.

“This is my safe space. Can't let it turn to a crime scene.”he replied with a nonchalant voice that made Rome wonder with awe.

“what do you mean by your safe space?”

“It's where I come to when I ditch school which I do everyday by the way.”

“Will I be welcome to join...”

Asher shrugged a shoulder and then removed the stick from his mouth. “it depends. I don't like to be found.”he said.

“Guess what restroom boy... I just found you.”Scarlett voiced out as she emerged from behind the several dried up trees. Asher's eyes widened for like a second before it returned to its normal bleak stare.

“What are you doing here?” he asked dryly and Scarlett smirked.

“I'm sure the question is supposed to be "how did I find you?"” she said and moved towards him. She acknowledged Rome with a quick glance then faced Asher.

“So this is the place you ditch school for... Interesting.”she smiled while he just rolled his eyes.

“I thought you wouldn't bother about looking for me. Guess I was wrong.”he retorted dryly.

“I wanted to introduce you to someone... My cousin. We kind of share the same history, so I thought it'd be cool if you both met so I waited in the girl's bathroom for like 3 hours but you didn't show up.”she explained and a flicker of surprise crossed his features. Rome on the other hand, just watched on in perked interest.

“Then how did you find me?”

“oh, I didn't. My cousin did which by the way is supposed to be here right now. Fleur!” she called out and a few seconds later a string of curses filled the quiet atmosphere.

“Coming! My skirt got hooked on these fuvking thorns.”

Rome sat up straighter. That voice sounded so familiar. A minute later, Fleur came into view and almost as if drawn, they locked stares. Her face paled while his registered shock.

“Ramiel?” she called softly.


Scarlett looked between the duo. “uh... What's going on?”

Ahhhh... Really sorry for the late update. Remember that night? Well, I fell asleep.
Funny, isn't it.
Anyway, seems like our dear Rome and Fleur have met before... Sick turn right🤔😉
This chapter is dedicated to nihnard who I promised to update this chapter for.
I've been really busy lately so there might be less updates and late ones too.
This short update is also for my dear readers, both the voters and the unvoters 😒😂.

I'm sorry this is a short chapter but enjoy it still and don't forget to click on the vote button.


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