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Music for this chapter(if you're interested)
Breathin' by Ariana Grande.

                 Fleur Miller...
They weren't supposed to was supposed to stay hidden——hidden from everyone.

But now, they all knew.

Dread seeped into her as the driver made a turn to her house. She couldn't even start to imagine how her parents must have felt after seeing the post. It was everywhere was even on the news.
The Prime Minister's daughter... Only child,  caught in a scandal.

That was a big blow to her family's name...and her father's reputation.

The Limo stopped and her heart sped 4 times faster. Her parents were home already. She opened the door and stepped out admist the whispers of the servants. They knew too... The thought floated through her head, making her feel more miserly.

When her parents stepped out, the heartbroken look on her mother's face and the blank expression on her Dad's killed her within.
“Mum... Dad, I'm ——I'm sorry. ” she burst into tears and stepped forward. Her father's next words stopped her.
“you'll be leaving for the airport in 2 hours time. The servants have packed your bags. ” he said and Fleur's eyes widened on hearing this.
“No... No, no, no, no. Daddy please don't do this to me. I swear. .i didn't mean for this to happen. ”
“you were very sane Fleur. You were in your right state of mind child. Why can't you just own up to your mistakes for once.”her mother snapped. Her eyes were red from crying and her voice, hoarse.
“I'll do anything you want. I swear. I promise but please don't let me leave Paris. Daddy please. I beg you. My whole life is here...”
“you should have thought of that before making this last mistake Fleur. ”her father cut in, his voice hard. “you'll be going to Seattle to stay with my twin sister—your aunty.”
Fleur panicked. “No! Please... Daddy France needs me... ”she gripped his forearm as he moved towards the waiting Limo.
“France doesn't need someone like you... I don't need someone like you. ”he shrugged her arm off and entered the Limo. Fleur stood in shock as the last words of her father rang in her head.
France doesn't need someone like you...
I don't need someone like you...
.........someone like you..... you.....

Her mother touched her arm. “Go get dressed. You can't go to the US in your school uniform. ” she said and at that moment it felt as if something snapped inside Fleur. She shrugged off the hand on her arm roughly aside and turned to stare at her mom with hard eyes.
“What's the difference mum...tell me. It's all over the internet. Everyone knows what the Prime Minister of France daughter did. So why bother sending me off to the US.” she whispered
“To get you reformed. You can't stay here. They don't want you here... ”
“I don't care!”she screamed. “I don't care, I don't care, I DON'T CARE! ”
“Fleur Marigold Miller... You will not talk to me that way. ”
“I don't want to know if they want me because I wouldn't be in this mess if you and Dad had been there...if you'd really cared about my life!” she yelled. Sounds of clicks and snapshots drew their attention and they stared around.  The servants were recording and taking pictures of them.
“what are you all doing? Stop it. Stop it right now!" her mother scolded but they laughed instead of listening. “if you do not stop, I'll fire... ”
“you'll what?”one of the servants taunted.“Fire us? Oh good! We don't care anyway. We've put up with your daughter's shitty attitude for a long time so we don't actually care. ”
“you know what would have been good ma'am ?”another spoke up. “Having another child. You shoulda given birth to more. Maybe this wouldn't have happened.” the servants dispersed at that, leaving Fleur and her mother alone. Her mother faced her, crying now.
“can you see why now? ”she asked in a broken voice.
“I don't actually care mum. Maybe they are right. If you had actually given me a sibling, then maybe you and daddy would have paid more attention. ”she spat out and rushed into the house immediately.

This was by far the worst day of her entire life.

Her social life had ended like that... Just like that.

With just one click.

Fleur Miller how could you be so stupid. ” she whispered to herself brokenly and leaned against the door frame of her bedroom door.

This would not have happened if she'd listened... If she'd stayed away.

Simone's words drifted back to her and flashes of that day that his daughter had found out came back.
..............A WEEK AGO........
I can't believe this... My father and you. Your Dad's rival Fleur. You're having an affair with my dad...

Simone, I... I don't know what to say to you honestly but I really really think I...

You think you're in love with my Dad. She scoffed. That's bullshit Fleur. He's my father for goodness sake. He's just like yours too. He can birth you. Are you this idiotic! What were you thinking! He's fooling with you to ruin your dad you idiot. I may not be your friend but I can't let you ruin your life and I know one thing... My Dad is the one who will do that......

No Simone. You have no idea if what we have. What your father and I have.

....OH! but Simone knew...
....and Fleur wished she had listened....

Her mother didn't bother escorting her to the airport. And Fleur was not surprised or bothered. She was on her own now and she was going to a city she knew so little of.
As soon as she stepped out of the car with her suitcase, reporters rushed to her side asking disturbing questions.

Is it true that you had plotted with Monsieur Darrold to destroy your father?

Is it true that you had an affair with him on purpose?

Is it true that you had seduced him?

We heard that you were pregnant and aborted it. Can you clarify that?

You had an argument with your mother today...

Fleur stopped in her tracks... She stared at their expectant faces and felt sick instantly.
“I have nothing to say to you all. Excuse me.”she said and forced herself away from their midst. A snicker from one of them irked her but she didn't bother turning back.

To them, she was now a stray highschooler who had destroyed her life.

She checked the updates as she waited for the call of her flight. The video of she and her mother's argument came up and the heading brought tears to her eyes.


With angry fingers, she went to the settings of her instagram page and moved to the delete account icon. Her fingers hovered over it for a second but didn't end up pressing it.

They could all go to hell for all she cared.

She was Fleur Miller for heaven's sake!
Fucking bold and crazy Fleur Miller!
One stupid single post about her mistake would not bring her down.


She tapped on her camera icon and took several selfies. This is to you France,  she thought with venom as she moved to post it.
She stared at the pictures for a while, thinking of the perfect heading to use. A smile creeped onto her face as she found the right caption

New city, new life.
FYI people, Paris sucks!

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