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    .................  SEATTLE...............              
                     .Scarlett Evans.
Scarlett fought back a groan as she pushed herself through the crowded hallway of her school. Why it was so crowded today, she had no idea of but thankfully it made her invisible. She couldn't stand hearing whispers about her everywhere she went. It was all too much to bear sometimes and apparently her parents were the type that believed facing your mistakes rather than running away was the best, so she wasn't allowed to change schools.

Even after the school said she could. They had believed what happened had been the opposite but her parents knew better. Everyone who knew the truth knew better and that was why there was always whispers. It had bothered her at first but then it was her last year and she would push through it.

Or so she thought...

“I can't believe a Prime Minister's daughter would do such a thing.”someone she passed by whispered but she continued her push through. Gossips weren't her thing.
“what a shame. Her parents kinda disowned her. According to what she posted, she was leaving France.”
“Her case is just like Scarlett's...ya'know, the scandal just that Scarlett didn't run away. ”

She stopped in her tracks. Right on her locker was the poster that everybody was gushing about. But it wasn't the content that bothered her... It was the picture.

Fleur, her French cousin, was staring back at her...
Or rather, the picture was staring at her.

Fleur...a scandal? How come she hadn't heard anything from her parents.
“what's wrong Scarlett?”a voice taunted behind her. She turned around and found her newest tormentor as the old one had been expelled, smirking at her. “does it remind you of your own scandal? ”
“why is it on my locker Melissa?”she asked in a controlled voice.
“why? Of course to remind you of your place in this school. Of what you are. A scar. Your parents really picked a suitable name for you. Scar——as in Scarlett.”she sneered and a lump formed in Scarlett's throat. Melissa always found a way to get to her...and to think of it that she had been her friend in the past.
“Hey Mel, don't you think that's too low for you to say... Even for your standard.” someone voiced out and several “yeah” went up. Scarlett swallowed and turned around. She ripped the poster off then faced Melissa back.
“if you think that you're perfect,then you're wrong. One day Melissa——you'll understand. One day. ”she said and walked away.
That was way too much Mel... She heard someone whisper as she left. Melissa Kings had been her best friend since elementary school. They did everything together, went for vacations together, brought their social status up together and she, Melissa, had brought hers back down with that awful video.

It was her fault...Scarlett knew it. Obliging to spew out her awful secret in a video. Melissa had urged her, nudged her until she had accepted, giggling and thinking it was a joke. Few days later, Melissa started avoiding her. Then a week later, a sex tape of her and the video of her confessing about her affair with their P. E teacher got leaked. And from then, her whole world came crashing down.

Just the reminder of it brought bile up to her throat and she hurried into the girl's restroom. She heaved and her breakfast came down into the water closet. Disgusted by her vomit, she puked again then leaned against the doorframe for support. Once she was sure that nothing was coming up again, she flushed and left the stall to wash her mouth and hands. She stared at herself in the mirror and burst into tears. She hardly looked like the former Scarlett Evans. Her auburn hair had uneven edges and her lips looked chapped. Her vibrant green eyes were dull now. They hardly had any sign of life in them.

Where was that vibrant and lively Scarlett's Evans?

Gone! A tiny voice whispered in her head and more tears ran down her cheek.

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