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They say if you wanna tell a tale you have to tell it right...that is ya'know, technically from the beginning.
Most stories start with the'once upon a time theme'but not these teenagers.

Theirs was a whole lot away from once upon a time...rather, it was 'Many a times bit no one never learns'.

Scarlett Evans, Bexley Blacksmith, Fleur Miller, Elora Benjamin  , Aoife Johansson , Rome Adams,Declan Campbell and Asher Garcia were just the normal definition of teenagers. Like every other teenager, they had phones and always made sure they were socially updated. Their lives was a simple routine of school, homework, part-time jobs and all. They knew nothing about each other. They each had seperate lives.

Well, that was until the media practically ruined their lives.... Or to be more precise, "they" ruined their own lives with their own hands.

Social Media Detox.........ΦΦΦΦOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora