Season 1 Episode 6: Eve Of The Attack

Start from the beginning

??? | Flame's Office

The door to the room slid open, revealing a dark room cast in red. Bookshelves lined the walls with a desk sitting close to the back wall right below the massive red-tinted window. "Approach," A deep voice rang out, inciting fear into anyone heard it. 

Craig slowly began to walk into the room, rubbing his hands together as he came closer towards the desk. "S-Sir, I looked into that incident in the south, which you believe involved The Crimson Blade, and I discovered quite a bit," the middle-aged man explained to the back of his boss. 

"Go on," Flame responded, not moving to face his advisor. 

"Well, what we know for certain is, TCB were active during our attack. They deployed several units to go out and hunt down kids, most likely to ransom them off to the highest bidder - whoever that may be. In addition to that, we also learned that the event which tipped us off was, indeed, the use of a power," Craig explained, prompting Flame to finally turn and face him. 

"Hmmp, so they used our attack to mask their activities in an attempt to fill their pockets." Flame began to laugh to himself, before stating, "It appears, despite all we've done for them, they doubt our strength. This clear sign of disrespect just won't do."

An uneasy feeling fell over the room. All too well did Craig know what Flame's words meant and what was to come. "Get in contact with our rebellious vassal and inform them that I wish to speak with Barron immediately. If they choose to ignore, then we'll be forced to...renegotiate our relationship with them." Flame explained, smirking at the thought of crushing another obstacle. 

"Very well, sir, I shall inform them at once," Craig responded.

"And as for that individual with the power: leave him," Flame ordered. 

"H-Huh? But couldn't he make a good candidate for Project 2-7, or if he himself isn't useful, I'm sure we can find another use."

"We've been far too aggressive recently, and now with Greenwich underway, we can't risk exposing our true plans - not now." Flame turned his back to Craig, "Besides, that makes two people of interest down in that region. Let's wait a little longer. See what else gets exposed before we make our move," Flame explained, cracking a slight smile at the thought of more moving pieces coming together to aid his plan.


Inside a small, cramped, room, Eren rests on a bed, which closely resembles something you'd find in a prison cell. The room itself unmistakably exudes a prison-like atmosphere. What's the best way to do this? If the kid himself has a power, then someone else in the family has to as well. And given the fact Flame didn't bring back the officer's body, it's safe to assume the other parent was the one born with the power and passed it down to the kid. Eren looked over towards his door, and right on cue, it slid open, revealing the 29-year-old Villain, Red Eye.

"You mind if I come in?" The Silver Haired man asked, already taking a step into the room. 

"What do you want?" Eren questioned, sitting up, allowing his feet to rest against the floor. 

"I wanna talk about your mission, and how not to screw it up," Red Eye responded, taking a look around the small, poorly lit room. 

"I can handle this myself. I don't need your help," Eren was quick to reject the aid from someone else, fearing his reputation within the organization would take another hit. 

"One more failure, and you're gone," Red Eye coldly stated, changing the atmosphere in the room.

"I...I already knew that, so why bring it up now?" Eren reluctantly asked, avoiding eye contact. 

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