Then in the most defeated voice I've ever heard her speak

"Big brother Jay..."

As if I was being pulled by an invisible force, I run like my life depends on it, towards her.

I hate it

Don't show me that expression

I don't want to see that on you

Don't be so sad

What happened to you?

What happen that I couldn't protect you from?

When I reached her I looked at her features and noticed her coughing, I panic even more

Without a moment to waste, I carried her and ran back home desperately. I trip at almost anything but I regained balance and continue running, ignoring the slight pain on my feet and legs, it doesn't matter, what important is for Irene to get back home and rest or maybe bring her on a hospital

Am I panicking? Yes. It's obvious how I am talking to myself. Am I overreacting? Yes. Do I want to cry? Yes but not now!

I felt my eyes glossed as I took a glance at the unconscious face of Irene, she looks like she is having a bad dream, her eyebrows are furrowing in distress and her lips are forming into a big frown. As I carried her I noticed how her temperature is starting to warm up, higher than a normal average person has

Shit, she catch a cold

I should bring Irene back home fast. The moment I arrived home, I faced the worried look of my parents

"What happened?!" Mom asked in slight panic

"I-I don't know, I saw her like this, and I think she might got a fever" I stuttered, feeling my eyes gloss from the worry I felt

Mom put her palms on Irene's forehead to feel her temperature then a moment later Mon started panicking with me

"She caught a cold! Quickly, lay her on her bed!" Mom said hurriedly as she rushed towards the kitchen to perhaps find medicine. I eagerly obligated her and went to Irene's room, gently laying her down on her bed, not many seconds later Mom and Dad arrived with a bucket of water, a clean towel, thermometer, glass of water and medicine

I went to stand behind them and watch as mom put a thermometer on Irene's tongue and a wet towel on her forehead

"Oh dear...She has such a bad cold. It'll take days to chase her cold away" Mom said worriedly but slightly relieved after she looked at the thermometer

"Don't worry, Irene may be small but she is a healthy little lady, it won't take long" Dad reassures with a comforting smile on his face as he gently lays his hand on my mom's shoulder. Dad's words calm me down slightly but not enough to stop me from panicking

Irene hasn't got a cold, she hasn't even since we were babies, I'm starting to overthink why would she catch a cold right now

She is healthy like what dad said but why would she catch a cold? Wait- What if it's not a cold?

"B-But what if Irene has an illness we didn't know?" I mutter aloud as Dad and Mom turn to look at my disheveled appearance and panic clearly written on my expression

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