Time Flies

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                                                                                Time skip a few days

                                                                                      Jenna's POV

                                                                                     *beep, beep*

I wake up to the sound of my annoying alarm. I roll over off of Emma and shut it off. Today is the day we fly to Florida to do the first round of interviews which start tomorrow. The last couple of days Emma and I spent time with my family and packed. It was great seeing them. My ankle feels a lot better and the bruising on my face went down a lot, so it just looks like I haven't slept. I turn and wake my beautiful girl up. It's currently 7 am and out flight is at 9am. 

"Mi amor, it's time to get up." I said. I leaned down and I kissed her forehead and cheeks. 

"Do we have to" Emma says sleepily. 

"Yes, we do unfortunately, or else Tim will not be happy with us." I said laughing. 

"Okay okay, I'm only getting up because I enjoy being employed." Emma said giggling. 

We get up and grabbed our luggage. We got down to the living room to set our stuff down and then we went into the kitchen where my mom and sister are already up and making us breakfast. 

"Good morning girls!" my mom says. 

"Good morning" Emma replies. 

"We wanted to make you guys breakfast before you head to the airport. When will you be back to visit?" my sister asked. 

"Well, we have to do these interviews for the next couple of months to create hype for the show and then after it releases in November, we will probably have a lot more. I'm guessing in 6 or 7 months. Unless we get time in between the interviews to come back. I'm not even lying, these interviews are back to back every day." I responded. 

"I certainly hope when you come back to visit that Emma is with you." my mom says with a smile. 

"Oh yeah, I'll be coming back when Jenna does. I love it here. You guys welcomed me with open arms." Emma responds with a smile. 

We eat and talk over breakfast for the next 30 minutes. We hear a knock on the door, and I go to answer it. 

"Hello Ms. Ortega, I'm Mike and I will be escorting you and Ms. Myers to the airport today. I can start loading up your luggage now and we can leave in 5 minutes if that sounds good" He says. 

"Yeah, that's okay, we're about ready to leave anyway." I responded. 

Emma and I say our goodbyes to my family, and we head out to the car. It's a black SUV with completely tinted windows for privacy. I'm honestly glad this flight is so short. Only about 4 hours. Enough time to catch a nap. This time we are flying out of a smaller airport which is a lot closer to my house and the chances of paparazzi being at this one is very small. I just don't want to deal with them this early in the morning and I know Emma doesn't either. 

                                                                           Emma's POV  

After a 45-minute drive to the airport we finally arrive. I think the best thing is that there's absolutely no paparazzi here. It's way too early to deal with them and their bright flashes. I know we are landing in Orlando, so I expect them to be there at least. Jenna and I unload our luggage and get checked in for our flight. This airport is practically empty at this hour thankfully. There's a handful of people we saw on our walk to our gate but that's about it. At our gate there's maybe 10 other people so this flight should be relatively quiet. I've never been to Orlando so hopefully we have some time to wander around. 

"Let's take a selfie." Jenna said.

 I posed with a thumbs up and a smile. 

"Wanna see the caption Em?" she asked.

"Of course, I do and oh my god, I look exhausted." I replied. The caption said "We will see you soon Orlando!<3" She's so cute. 

"We make such a cute couple" I said smiling. 

"I fully agree with that statement." Jenna replied while smiling. 

"I wonder how many times we're going to get asked about how our relationship happened." I said.

"Our relationship will probably get talked about more than the actual show." Jenna said while giggling. 

"I mean I'll get to talk about you, so I won't mind." I said. 

We sit there for a little bit before our flight was ready. It felt like an eternity, but it was finally time to board. The bright side is that this process won't take too long considering there's not a lot of people for this flight. Once we got on the plane, Jenna opened up a book and started reading. I won't ever admit this to her, but she looks so beautiful reading. I pull out a crossword book that I do when I don't want to be on my phone. It also helps me to keep my brain active. 

"How long are we in Orlando for again babe?" I ask Jenna.

"Uh I believe a week, we have studio interviews the first day or two and then we go to Orlando's Comic Con for the rest of the week doing different panels and doing meet and greets." Jenna said. 

"Then next week we go to New York for an interview with Jimmy Fallon and their Comic Con right?" I responded.

"That sounds correct, if anything I know the next two months of interviews with the dates and times should be in our emails and also our management should also have a copy of it too. We can also always get ahold of Tim as well." Jenna said.

"Man, they weren't kidding when they said back to back. I'm honestly excited to see the rest of the cast. I miss them. Is anyone else going on Jimmy Fallon when we're in New York?" I asked.

"No, I don't think so. I think it's because we're all over the media right now and everyone is shipping our characters together. Tim is a very smart creature when it comes to hyping his work." Jenna said with a slight chuckle. 

We go back to doing our own thing for the next couple of hours. I hope everything goes well. I'm nervous for these interviews just because I don't want to accidentally spoil the show. I have never been to a Comic Con before so that's going to be exciting for me. I know one thing, I'm not leaving Jenna's side. Nothing can go wrong if I'm with her....right? 

Best Friends or Lovers(JEMMA FANFICTION)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें