Going Home

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Jenna's POV

I made it back to my apartment to pack my remaining things up. Emma is at her place doing the same, she should almost be done. I know we have a flight to catch at 11 pm. I look over to the clock and it shows that it's only 8:45 so we still have time. I'm excited to go back home, I miss my family. We have a week to relax before we go do a bunch of interviews to promote the show. I think Emma is nervous about meeting my family. She thinks they won't like her or something but she's an amazing person, there's no way my family won't love her.

*knock, knock*

I go over to the door and I open it. I see it's Emma with her luggage.

"Hey Em" I said.

"Hi J" she responded.

Emma and I walk over to the couch. Emma sits down and motions me to lay down on the couch so my head is on her lap. I look up to her and I can tell she's anxious about something.

"What's wrong mi amor?" I ask

"If I'm being honest, I'm scared about the interviews. They give me such bad anxiety. I never know if I'm saying the right thing or not. I'm scared about giving out too much information and getting in trouble." she explains.

"I know you're scared but it's gonna be okay, I will sit next to you in every single interview. I will hold your hand to keep you grounded. We have some group interviews and then all the other ones will be just the two of us. I will be right there." I responded. I pull Emma's head down closer to me and I give her a kiss on the lips. As I pulled away we hear a knock on the door. It's now 9pm so its probably our driver. I go to the door and open it.

"Hello Ms. Ortega, I'm your driver Joseph. I hear I will also be driving Ms. Myers with you as well. Is that correct?" he said.

"Yes that is correct, thank you" I said.

"I can start putting your luggage into my trunk, we need to leave in 10 minutes." He said.

I thank him and invite him in. He goes to grab our luggage and then goes out to his SUV. Emma and I look around the apartment one last time for awhile until we come back. We turn to the door and start walking out of the building holding hands. There's of course paparazzi but neither of us cared for them at the moment, we both just want to be home.

Time Skip

Emma's POV

The car pulls into the airport and we both look out and see that there's so many people there just waiting for us. I notice Jenna putting her headphones on, she wears them because the paparazzi makes her anxious with all the loud talking and how close they get. I get out of the car first, then Jenna. Jenna takes ahold of my hand as she pushes us through the crowd. I love how she protects me. I focus completely on Jenna since she calms me down when I'm anxious. We check into our flight and get to the gate to wait. Jenna and I sit there and just talk about what we're going to do once we get back to her home. It's estimated we get there at 10am. We both agree that the first day back we will be catching up on the sleep we both missed out on for the last 8 months. I definitely noticed the people at our gate taking our picture, it was getting a little annoying but I just focus on my beautiful girlfriend. Jenna takes out her phone and holds it to take a selfie with me.

"I want to post you on my Instagram story, and to update the fans that we are heading back home." Jenna said with a smile. She posted it with the caption "waiting for my flight back home with this cute girl next to me<3" god she makes me blush so much.

We FINALLY board our plane after waiting for an eternity. The studio paid for first class seats for all of us to go back home. They wanted us to be comfortable for the long flight I guess. Jenna and I find our seats and we get comfortable. We put a movie on and within 10 minutes we are both fast asleep. We are coming home.

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