Last Day

827 19 2

Emma's POV

*beep* *beep* *beep*

I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm. I turned it off and rolled over to face Jenna who is slowly waking up. I give her a soft kiss to get her up. It definitely woke her up. She deepened the kiss and it turned to a passionate make out session before I pulled away.

"Well good morning to you too J." I said.

"I wasn't done kissing you" Jenna said pouting.

With that we continued to make out, she got on top of me and it started to get steamy. She broke the kiss and started kissing my neck, leaving marks. I was getting turned out by the feeling of her lips on my neck. I wanted to continue but we need to get going.

"Baby" I said with heavy breathing.

"We need to get ready" I continued.

"I know but you're just so sexy" Jenna said smirking.

"So are you but we can do this later" I said while winking.

With that we got up and out of bed. We made some coffee and had some breakfast. We brushed our hair and teeth. Once we were done, we headed to the door. We got to the exit of the building and what we saw outside was insane. It was literally 5:30 in the damn morning. It's too early for this bs.

"Oh shit" Jenna said.

The entire front of the complex is covered with paparazzi waiting for us.

"Let's go out the back door" I said

We went to the back door and of course, paparazzi was also there waiting for us.

"How are we going to get through them and get to set?" I asked concerned. It also wouldn't help our case considering I have hickeys on my neck. "We might have to get Tim down here to help us" I said.

Jenna pulls out her phone and calls Tim.

"Hey Tim, Emma and I cannot get out of the building. It's surrounded by paparazzi. We need help." Jenna said frantically. I didn't hear what Tim was saying but by the relief look on Jenna's face, I'm assuming he will be helping. Jenna hangs up the phone and tells me that he will be here in 10 minutes with security.

10 minutes go by and we see Tim come in with a whole team of security guards.

"Lets get to it." Tim says.

We follow him outside with the security guards standing all around us. Jenna holds my hand through the crowd. The flash from the cameras are giving me a killer headache.

"It's too damn early for this." I said to Jenna.

"Great way to start our day." she responded.

We got into dark SUV with tinted windows, Jenna got me inside first. She's so sweet. Once Jenna sat down and we drove away, I gave her a kiss on the lips. Tim got into another car behind us and then the security team had their own van so it was just us in the back seat. There's a privacy shield blocking the driver's view of us. I deepened the kiss and I made my way to Jenna's neck sucking and biting leaving hickeys on her. Jenna let out soft and quiet moans. She looks at me with the "fuck me" eyes. She was wearing sweats so it was not hard getting access. I played with her clit with my middle finger, she's kissing me passionately while moaning into the kiss. She whispered in my ear saying "Fuck me fast and hard before we get to set, I need you." I put my ring finger and middle finger inside of her. I did exactly what she said. I fingered her, arching my fingers inside of her, hitting her g-spot. Jenna was trying her absolute best to be quiet. She was scratching my back and leaving more hickeys on me. She quietly moaned out "Em-I'm cumming" I go faster and faster until she came all over my fingers, I pulled my fingers out and had her suck my fingers so she could taste herself. I leaned over and I gave her a kiss. As soon as we were done, we arrived on set.

"Are you ready to hop out and run?" Jenna asked. I was a bit confused on why we had to run until I looked out the window and saw a crowd of fans and paparazzi waiting for us.

"Oh my god" I exclaimed.

"We wait for the security to get into position and then we get out, hold my hand so I don't lose you in the crowd." Jenna said. She kissed me and we got ready.

Once the security guard opened the door, Jenna got out first reaching her hand out to me. I grabbed her hand and held it tight. Everyone was screaming and cheering. Jenna kept making sure I was still there. After a few minutes, we got to the gate where Jenna got me through it first and then she walked through.

"Holy shit" Joy said. "Everyone out there is here to see you two, we could hear them screaming from the other side of set." Joy added.

"We were surrounded at the apartment too." Jenna said.

"Everyone wants confirmation" Joy said.

"Well they're going to get it tomorrow. Lets just finish this last episode." I said.

I noticed that Joy looked at Jenna's neck and then she looked at mine. She smirked and said "Makeup won't be too happy with you two"

Jenna and I just laughed and I started to blush. Jenna makes me feel things I have never felt before.

We got to hair and makeup, got ready and we went off to film the final episode. I finally get to wolf out!


Jenna's POV

"THATS A WRAP" Tim yelled. "Great job everyone" he added.

Emma and I were getting our things from the trailer when Tim came in.

"Hey girls, so you two will be doing a lot of interviews together the next month or so. Be prepared to answer questions about your relationship. Remember, don't give out too much information about the show and what happens until after it airs. You guys did great!" He said, with that he turned around and walked away.

"When should we make the announcement" Emma asked.

"Well if the hoard of paparazzi is still waiting, we can just make it there." I said.

"As long as you hold my hand, I'm down." Emma said.

We went to the gate to see that there was indeed a hoard of paparazzi waiting. Cameras flashing.


The fans and paparazzi got quiet and I began talking.

"Yesterday a picture of Emma and I was leaked. It's not what we wanted to happen but it did. With that being said, we are here to confirm that we are in a relationship. We ask that you respect our privacy within our relationship. Thank you" I said. The security guards got in formation and I held Emma's hand all the way to the car, I let her get inside first and then I hopped in. We are heading back to the apartment to pack up our remaining items. We catch a flight back to the states later tonight. We are going to visit my family first, before we head off again to do a bunch of interviews.

I can't wait for my family to meet Emma. They're going to love her.

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