Trouble in Paradise

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                                                                                    Jenna's POV

I wake up and I have my head on Emma's chest. We must of switched sleeping positions at some point. I roll over to grab my phone and the time said 4:30am. Holy shit. We slept all day yesterday. I mean it felt great, I really needed the rest after not sleeping that well for eight months. I unlock my phone and I scroll through social media until I feel an arm wrap around me. 

"Good morning beautiful." I said.

"Hi my love, what time is it?" Emma asked.

"It's 4:40 in the morning, we slept all day yesterday." I said laughing.

"Jeez, we didn't even eat dinner. I mean I feel well rested. And by the looks of it, you look like you had the best sleep ever." She responded. 

"I haven't been able to sleep like that for eight months. I would be up by 5 am, on set by 6, then we shoot all day until anywhere between 8-10, then I had whatever lesson that day for another couple of hours. I feel like I really overworked myself." I said. 

"I always felt bad that you did all of that. I could tell by the bags growing under your eyes. I was getting worried." Emma said.

"Well thankfully now, we can catch up on our sleep. Like we did. Since we're both up, wanna grab some breakfast? My family won't be up for awhile." I said

"Oh absolutely, I'm starving. I don't think we ate all yesterday." She responded. 

"We can either make something or we can go somewhere. Your choice my love." I said.

"I haven't had a homecooked meal in awhile. Let's eat here." Emma said joyfully. 

We head downstairs to the kitchen and start looking through the fridge and cabinets to see what my family has. We found some supplies for vegan french toast. I love that my family keeps in mind that I'm vegan. Both Emma and I agreed on that. I start making them and Emma is helping mixing the ingredients. Once we finished cooking them we sat down and enjoyed a peaceful breakfast. 

"After I eat, I'm going on a run. I need to stay in shape. Wanna join me?" 

"I'm okay dear, I think I'm going to take a shower and get ready for the day." Emma responded. 

We finished breakfast and I change into my running clothes. "Okay babe, I'll be back." I said leaning over the bed to give Emma a kiss. 

"Be careful" Emma said as I'm walking out of the bedroom. 

I have my headphones on and I'm ready to go. I get outside and start my jog. I jog for about a mile or so until I stop to catch my breath and check my phone. It's 6:30 am. All of a sudden I hear this voice say "Hey look, its the gay actor." I turn around and see two men running after me. I started to sprint as fast as I could but I couldn't get away. One of the men tackle me to the ground and punches me. "This is what you get for being gay, you're going to hell" the man said. I screamed and fought back but it wasn't enough. He threw one final punch and it knocked me out. When I regain consciousness, my head felt like it was on fire. I grab my phone and realize I have 10 missed calls from Emma and its been over two hours since I left. Oh shit. She's gonna think I cheated on her. I need to get home. I go to stand up and pain shot through my ankle. I look down and see it's all bruised from being tackled. "GOD DAMN I screamed. Walking is clearly not an option. I call an uber and I'm back home in 10 minutes. I open the door limping. I see my family and Emma in the living room. 

"What the hell happened!" Emma worryingly said. "You have a black eye, your lip is bleeding and you're limping." she added. 

"I have never been better." I said trying to lighten the mood. 

"This is no time for jokes Jenna." Emma said sternly. 

"Okay well on my run, I stopped for a minute to catch my breath. Next thing I know I hear a guy say something and the guy and his friend are running after me. I sprint away but I wasn't fast enough and one of them tackled me to the ground and starting hitting me. I got some good hits in too but it only angered him more. Then it went black. I woke up still on the sidewalk and my head hurts like hell. My ankle feels like it's been stomped on by an elephant. " I explained. 

"We are going to take you to the doctor to get you checked out to make sure you don't have a concussion or any broken bones." my mom said. 

"You are never going anywhere without me again." Emma said. 

Emma picks me up bridal style and carries me to the car and we drive to the hospital. All I want to do is take a shower. I feel gross. 

                                                                          Emma's POV  

We got to the hospital pretty quickly. Who knew Mrs. Ortega could drive so fast. They got Jenna into a wheelchair since she can't really walk. I know she hates feeling like she needs help. She hasn't said too much. I just know she's in pain and it hurts me knowing she's in pain. The doctor finally came a guided us to a room where they're going to check Jenna's injuries out. 

"Hello everyone, my name is Dr. Brown and I will be taking care of Jenna here. First thing I want to do is run a CT scan to see if your brain is okay or if there's any bleeding." He said as he takes Jenna out in the wheelchair. 

I really hope there's no bleeding. I hate this waiting game. I want her to be okay. No one is really talking. We're all in our heads and just wanting this nightmare to end. I will find whoever did this and hurt them. I look up and see the doctor has returned but without Jenna. Oh no. 

"I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that I had to rush Jenna into emergency surgery because she started to have a seizure. She also has some brain bleeding. The good news though is that the bleeding in her brain is not severe so I'll be able to stop it. She will make a full recovery. The procedure won't take long. Maybe an hour or two at most." The doctor said. 

"I'm going to kill whoever did this." I said with tears in my eyes. Jenna's mom came over to comfort me as I uncontrollably cry. I just can't believe this happened. This was supposed to be a peaceful getaway. Maybe if I went with her this wouldn't have happened. Maybe the guy would've just kept walking. I feel so guilty for not going with Jenna. I hope she's not mad at me. I didn't know she would get hurt. I wish we were still in bed cuddling. I miss her touch. Only if I went with her... 

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