They don't know about us

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                                                                                  Jenna's POV

                                                                        *beep* *beep* *beep* 

I turn to my side to turn off my alarm. As I shut it off, I look behind me and see Emma cuddling me. Then I remembered yesterday's events. We had sex for the first time and we are officially together. We haven't had the conversation on when we're gonna tell our friends and family, and then eventually our fans. I feel movement behind me. 

"Good morning my raven hair beauty." Emma said in her raspy morning voice, her morning voice is so hot. 

"Good morning mi amor" I said with a smile. I notice her blushing. I know she enjoys hearing me speak spanish. We continued to cuddle for a few more minutes before getting up. We have to go to set today. Tim wants to hold a meeting about a potential release date and when we would all be going for interviews. 

We finally got out of bed, I went to take a shower and Emma went to make us breakfast. She makes really good breakfast food. I hop out of the shower, got dressed for the day and headed out to the kitchen to see Emma finishing our breakfast. 

"How do you want to go about telling people about us? Or should we keep it to ourselves for the time being so we can enjoy each other's company?" Emma asked. 

"I think we can definitely tell our close friends at least, and certain people from our respective families. I just know once the media finds out, its going to get stressful. I don't want to hide our relationship by any means, I want to protect you and our peace." I responded with. Emma agreed with my statement. We finish eating breakfast and since we got up on time we decided to walk to set for the meeting since it was nice out. We were holding pinkies to be discreet. My love language is physical touch. We notice some paparazzi ahead of us. We were close enough to the set that we decided to keep going. They notice us and start running towards us, Emma has gotten use to them but I still grab her hand to hold it and I push our way through to get to the door of the studio. We get inside and we were immediately greeted by Joy who also just got inside. 

"Hey guys, how was your night" she asked smirking. 

"It was definitely a night to remember" I responded with a smirk. 

"Oh I bet, because I heard you guys last night. And to add, I told you so!" she responded. 

Emma immediately started to blush and so did I. Joy was happy for us though, she said she won't tell anyone. She's just happy we finally admitted to each other how we felt and got together officially. The three of us decided to start walking to the meeting room to wait for everyone else to arrive. Little did I know what this meeting had in store. 

                                                                             Emma's POV

After about 10 minutes of waiting, everyone was here but Tim. Hopefully he gets here soon, I'm anxious about this meeting. He typically tells us ahead of time what it's going to be about but this time he didn't. I guess Jenna noticed I was getting anxious so she put her hand on my thigh. Feeling her touch eases my anxiety. She makes me feel calm. Nobody seemed to notice this which is good. We haven't told anyone yet, I mean Joy knows but that's only because she heard us have sex last night. I'm not even sorry for being loud. 

Tim finally walks in, he looks a little stressed. Hopefully everything is okay. 

"Sorry for being late guys, I just got off of a video meeting with Netflix. Good news is that with how much hype this show has so far, they want us to do a second season! With us wrapping up this season in a few days, the release date will be sometime in the next 6 months. The editing team and CGI department and myself have a lot of work to do. I'm aiming for November sometime. Now for the reason I look a little stressed out. I have gotten so many questions about a relationship between two certain actors. I'm not gonna name them right now, I will talk to them alone. The rule is if something were to arise between two costars, the media cannot know. They will only view your relationship as a "publicity stunt" to promote the show. That can either go over the fanbase either really well or really negatively, I just simply don't want to find out." 

After Tim said that, Jenna and I locked our eyes on each other. We know the fans ship us together but it looks like we're having a private conversation with Tim. I noticed a few other cast members look at us. Everyone already thinks we have something going on. I don't think it would surprise anyone if they knew Jenna and I were together. 

"That's a wrap on the meeting team. Jenna and Emma, I need to talk to you guys about the final episode." Tim said. Jenna and I stayed in our chairs and waited for everyone to clear out. It only took a few minutes until we were alone with Tim. 

"So you guys probably know what I'm about to ask. Are you guys together romantically? I will be okay either way. People have been looking into your relationship and the way you guys act with each other. " Thankfully we discussed what we're going to do this morning over breakfast. We are only telling a few friends and select family members. 

"Emma and I just strictly best friends, we care about each other and we don't want to ever jeopardize our friendship." Jenna said. 

"Thank you for talking to me, if you guys do ever get together, talk to me and we can figure it out." Tim said before heading out, leaving Jenna and I alone. I thought he somehow found out but yet again we just made it official last night. 

"I think you handled that really good Jenna" I said with a smile. 

"I'll do anything I can to protect you mi amor" she said as she kissed my forehead. We got up to head out for the day since we both had another rest day. I am filled with happiness. I'm excited for the fans to see Wednesday. 

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