Chapter 8

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In the city, Elastigirl was reading the newspaper about her, Telekibunny and Indestructadog saving the ambassador while riding in a limousine. Telekibunny heard something outside.

Telekibunny: "Do you hear that?"

Indestructadog: "That sounds like a crowd."

Elastigirl: "What's going on, Tommy? A protest?"

Tommy (limo driver): "They're in support."

Elastigirl: "Support? Support of what?"

Tommy: "Well, in support of you."

Telekibunny: "Us?"

They roll down the window and see the crowd of people cheering them on. Many of them had signs that had positive things to say to or about them.

Indestructadog: "Look at this."

Telekibunny: "Hi everyone. Wow thank you, thank you."

Elastigirl: "Wow, thanks for coming out. Hi. Oh my goodness thanks so much."

Telekibunny (to Indestructadog): "I haven't felt this much support since we went underground."

Indestructadog: "Yeah no kidding. Oh stop the car. Look."

A little girl stood close to the vehicle.

Elastigirl: "Hello. What does your sign say?"

She turns it around and it read "Screenslaver is still out there." The smiles for all the heroes in the car disappear.

Indestructadog: "Okay. Keep going."

Later on, they come in to Winston's office. He was on the phone.

Winston: "Oh what do you know. Ellenwood. Oh now you wanna return my calls about superheroes huh?"

Lionheart: "Lookie here."

Winston: "Oh, I'll have to call you back. Felicia, hold my calls, please."

Winston turns to the heroes. "He-hey! It's working! Hey, the ambassador made a big speech about superheroes today. Turns out saving someone's life makes a good impression on them. Who knew, huh? I'm getting calls from all over the world. Media awareness is up 72%. The push for superhero legalization is becoming a worldwide movement! I have big plans for our next move. We're gonna have a summit at sea. (shows the heroes the cruse ship) We'll use our ship, we'll gather leaders and Supers from all over the world..."

Elastigirl: "That's great. I'm happy. I'm happy the numbers are up. I'm happy the ambassador is pro superhero. And I'm happy you're happy."

Lionheart: "Is something wrong?"

Winston: "I'm hearing that you're happy but why am I not feeling it."

Elastigirl: "Because we didn't get him. Screenslaver is still out there! All we did was play his game win this round."

Telekibunny: "And the round before that, with the train. And I don't think he'll stop anytime soon."

Elastigirl: "He's gonna want more and as long as he gets to play, he wins!"

Lionheart: "Hold on now, you didn't let us finish."

Winston: "One thing I learned in business: smell the flowers. They don't bloom that often. What do you want on your tombstone? She worried a lot?"

Indestructadog: "What does all this have to do with what we're doing, huh? That makes no sense to me. At this point we should get more supers to help us."

Bellwether: "Oh, you want more heroes?"

Indestructadog: "Yeah, right here right now!"

Evelyn: "Alright, stop talking. Show them."

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