Flying bird

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In a small, dark hospital, a sick boy was lying alone on his bed. With his pale skin and eyes always covered with bandages, he looked as if he was going to die. That boy was Kaiser, a very sick orphan boy who would never be able to live in the world of ordinary people.

While he was alone, he found nothing but books to relieve his loneliness and reduce his pain. He loved books, especially books about novels, science, and medicine. He used to read to forget all his illnesses. He looks out the window where he sees a bird flying in the sky.

"I wonder what it's like to fly through the sky."

The boy says with a sad look

"It feels good. I wish I could fly like you, bird."

"But as you can see, even walking has become difficult for me"

The boy laughs at himself and his ridiculous dreams, then starts coughing up blood

"I knew my time was up"

As I lay in my hospital bed, I knew that death was only a matter of time. The doctors told me it would be a miracle if I made it through the night, but I had made my peace with what was to come. Yet as I closed my eyes for what I thought would be the last time, I couldn't help but wonder what lay beyond. Who knows, maybe in the next life, I would be lucky enough to start anew.

As I felt the darkness slowly envelope me,

I thought of all I had accomplished in my life, and all that I still hoped to achieve. But as the silence blanketed the room, a gentle warmth began to fill the air, as if death were but a gentle slumber from which I would soon awaken. Little did I know at the time

but that feeling was to be the first flicker of a new adventure.

Yet as I drifted off, I heard a faint rustling sound and opened my eyes once again

All around me, the darkness was giving way to a golden light

As I took in my surroundings, I knew that this was no normal hospital room

My body no longer ached. I felt strangely alive and energetic

"Where am I؟ Is this heaven"

In the midst of my wonder, a voice spoke to me

[This is not paradise, it is another world different from your world]

"Hello Is someone there?
Who am I speaking with " *asking with suspicious*

[You can call me the system]

"Oh, an artificial intelligence? So, am I dead?"

[System: You are wrong. You are not dead]

" I'm not dead?!"

[System: You are now in the fantasy world]

*jaw dropped*
"Fantasy world?"


Author's Note: Hello my name is Srtaj, this is the first novel I've written. I'm sorry if there are mistakes, especially in terms of language, because English is not my native language. I hope this novel will be enjoyable for you, and I welcome suggestions in the comments section to improve my story.
Thanks for reading❤️

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