Chapter 16: Hospital

Start from the beginning

I wanted to reach for his hand or just hug him, but I don't know what his reaction would be. Especially now, when he entrusts me with something as difficult as this.

He's starting to open up to me, tearing down the walls he's built around himself, and if I say something, he might put them back up.

And I have a feeling that he wants to get rid of it. It doesn't matter if he tells me or someone else. He just needs someone to listen to him.

"I was a quiet kid. Sometimes I still am." Even though he wasn't looking at me, I could see the moment he started to regret saying something.

Slowly he started to build all those walls back. Mainly because he feels safe behind them. Because no one can hurt him behind them.

I know it. I live like that myself.

"I guess you expected funny stories, huh? You didn't ask about mine..." He shook his head. "I shouldn't have ..."

"Finn." I stopped him before he said anything else. "I want to get to know you." Out of reflex, I put my hands on his and that's when he looked up at me. "The real you."

Something in his eyes changed. I wish I could read minds. Right now his.

"I wish I could tell you who I am, Lexi. But the truth is, I don't have a clue. I moved here because I wanted to get away from it all. It was the easier choice."

"And yet here you are. Sharing things with me. Almost a stranger. I'd say the easier choice would be to lock yourself in your room and not come out."

"I tried, but Zack is adamant." He said seriously, but I couldn't help but laugh.

"That sounds like Zack. Only then did I realize that my hands were still on his, so I subtly tried to pull them closer to me, hoping he didn't notice.

 Only then did I realize that my hands were still on his, so I subtly tried to pull them closer to me, hoping he didn't notice

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Lexi was touching me, and I'm not kidding when I say that everything I've been suffocating for years suddenly disappeared. Unfortunately, her hands slipped back to her body.

I can't remember the last time I was as honest with someone as I was with her.

But it was so easy to get over it when I told her.

I couldn't look at her. I was afraid that she would look at me differently. That she will pity me like my siblings.

However, when I finally looked at her, all I saw on her face was understanding.

I was in a vulnerable place, but I didn't care. I knew in the back of my mind that Lexi would never use it against me.

But still, I'm not going to shake off the idea that we barely know each other, and here I am telling her my life story.

Why am I doing this? And why is she even listening to me? Why didn't she just leave?

For a while, we talked only about small nonsense while we drank coffee. In general, we got to know each other a little.

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