"Aww, you still look handsome." Luna teased.

"I'm not believing that because you're biased when it comes to me." He continued to stare at the mirror and Luna laughed beside him.

"Laugh, laugh. Why wouldn't you? I wasn't able to sleep all night and now I look like ___"

"A Powder Blue Surgeonfish!" She exclaimed.

"A what?" He scowled making her laugh more.

"Yep, that's definitely the right animal to compare you with."

"A fish?"

"Yeah, a blue coloured fish with mask around its eyes. It's called a surgeonfish so I'm gonna call you that."

"I'm not even gonna ask why." He huffed in annoyance.

"Because you're a surgeon and it is called that because it has a certain scale near its tail that's as sharp as a scalpel."

"I said I'm not going to ask also, no need to remind me that my knowledge when it comes to wildlife is zero, okay? I know it's null." He buttoned up the shirt he'd on and heard Luna laugh behind him as he walked out of the room.

They fell asleep around 3 in the morning and had woken up at 6. Alphard didn't get enough sleep though his eyes were shut. After having had taken the shower, it was now time for them to discuss what has to be done next.

Luna brushed her hair and walked out too. She'd gotten extra food yesterday, Alphard had taken it out of the fridge and heated before bringing it out to the lobby. They ate in silence and carried the rest to the clinic for their parents.

Camille had just woken up and the others were still asleep. Luna helped Camille to the bathroom and then fed her too while Alphard checked on Will.

By 9 am everybody were up and ready to go through the details of what was to be done.

"What happened to you?" Dorian asked Alphard. He looked at Luna not wanting to talk about it, but knew he'd eventually have to.

"He had nightmares last night." Luna said.

Alphard took up on telling all that he saw and rubbed his hands over his face, sighing heavily. The room fell silent until Camille broke it.

"You're still going to hunt that evil beast down? I mean, after what you saw? The same may, or may not happen while you come face to face with them." She asked.

"Of course, mom. I'm not going to back away 'cause of some bad dream. That beast must be taken down before more damage is done." That being said Alphard looked at Luna as it was she who was being tortured in his dream.

"We aren't going to back away 'cause of some silly dream." Luna clasped her right hand with his left, smiling at him.

"Then it's time," Camille breathed before continuing. "It wasn't just a bad dream, my children." She addressed both Alphard and Luna.

"Then?" Laura asked.

"It was the call."

Alphard and Luna looked at each other then back at his mother. She let the silence hang, buying them time to process what she'd said.

Beauty The BeastWhere stories live. Discover now