22 | The Revelation

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"Mom..." He choked on his own voice. Camille turned her head to look at where the voice had come from.

She looked back at Dorian in confusion. She felt like it was only yesterday that she was captured and now here was a twenty something old guy calling her his mother. Dorian noticed and spoke to clear the confusion.

"It's been 18 years since that horrible accident, Camille." Dorian spoke. "He's twenty five now."

Her lips quivered as she turned to look at Alphard. He got beside her and kissed her forehead, her hands, her cheeks.

"Mom..." He breathed as she pulled him close and ran her hand over his head.

Luna held on to Laura, watching the reunion. Alphard pulled back and stood beside his mother holding her hand, Camille's eyes fell on his mark as he was still shirtless.

"Your mark came in. You found your mate?" She asked.

"You've a lot to catch up on, mom. Before we dive into it, meet your old friends." He pointed at Laura.

Camille recognised her, Laura was the same as she remembered her, but with some grey hair here and there. Laura walked to her friend and smiled at her.

"Welcome back, welcome home." She tucked a few strands of hair that were falling over Camille's eyes, behind her ears. Camille smiled back at her friend.

"Where's Will?" Camille asked. "And your daughter Luna? She must be grown up too."

Laura moved a little and Camille's eyes fell on the girl standing behind Laura. She looked at her and back at her friend, finding the resemblance between them hard to not notice. Luna stepped forward and interlaced her fingers with that of Camille's.

"Kindness is always respected, wherever you find kindness you'll find respect too, but if you think you found the latter where there's no sign of the former, then you're mistaking fear for respect." Luna bent down and kissed Camille's forehead.

"Oh, Luna." She stroked Luna's head and looked at others who were waiting for an explanation as to why Luna said what she did. "I once told her that when she felt like her classmates were taking advantage of her kindness."

"Alpha... Luna," Came Will's voice from the other side of the clinic.

All of them went to his side leaving only Dorian by Camille's bed. Will opened his eyes and immediately recognised his surroundings. He tried to get up.

"Stay put dad, you're still weak." Luna pressed him back to bed. "Alphard." She looked at him, he nodded and took an injection to give Will a shot.

"There, this will ease with the pain." Alphard said.

"Who else is here?" Will tilted his head to look at the one from whom he caught a familiar, but unknown scent. It felt like a long forgotten one.

"Will, it's me." Camille answered sensing he was asking about her.


"Yes, dad. We found her while looking for you."

Then they began filling Camille and Will with the events they'd missed. Camille was in utter shock and she hasn't even heard the actual news.

"How did you end up in there, mom?" Alphard asked.

"I went there again, Alphard." Luna answered. "The dome we found her in has water beneath it. If you swim towards North from the dome, you'll emerge out of the lake in the forest. I suppose that aunt Camille dove into the lake while trying to escape them."

"Yes, Luna. They injected copper into me when I refused to talk, someone tried to get into my head to get the information, but I blocked it the best I could and ran towards the forest. Then I decided to go into hibernation. At some point after diving into the lake I must've gone into the slumber."

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