FIFTEEN ◦ The Ripper

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I STEPPED OUT OF THE HORSE-DRIVEN CARRIAGE, my heart racing with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty as I stood before the imposing front door of the old plantation house. This was a place that had once been the backdrop for childhood stories filled with eerie legends and whispered ghostly tales. Now, it held a different significance, as it was the place where I had come to find Stefan.I raised my hand and knocked on the door, the sound echoing in the stillness of the evening. The moments that followed felt like an eternity, as I awaited an answer. When the door finally swung open, revealing Stefan, my breath caught in my throat.

"Hi," I managed to say, my voice tinged with a hint of nervousness. Stefan, however, said nothing. Instead, he stepped forward, embracing me with a heavy sigh of relief. As Stefan held me in his arms, he began to speak, his words spilling out in a rushed, almost frantic manner. He confessed how he had believed he had killed me, and the weight of his guilt and grief was evident in his voice. "I thought I had killed you," he muttered, his words filled with a mixture of anguish and relief. "Would you stay for dinner with me and my brother?" he asked while he frantically looked around for Damon.

"I'd love nothing more," I beamed through my hesitance. As I stepped further into the old plantation house, the atmosphere grew increasingly eerie. The air was thick with dust, and the scent of aging wood permeated the surroundings. The once lush and vibrant red rug that had graced the entrance had seen better days, now marred with stains and signs of wear.

My gaze wandered, taking in the fading grandeur of the place. The wooden floors bore the marks of time, etched with numerous stains, and the antique furniture that had once adorned the rooms seemed to have fallen into disrepair. Fear began to creep over me, my footsteps echoing through the dimly lit and foreboding interior. The atmosphere was heavy with a sense of abandonment, and the eerie silence was punctuated by creaking floorboards and mysterious sounds from the shadows.

As I explored the unsettling interior of the old plantation house, Stefan came up behind me, his voice cutting through the eerie silence. He asked, "why are you so nervous?" and I tried to muster the strength to respond, but my fear had overtaken me. The blood stains, the drag marks, all of it... there was only one possibility.

Stefan was a murderer.

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I couldn't hold back the emotions any longer. The foreboding atmosphere of the house, with its dusty, stained floors and dilapidated furniture, had overwhelmed me. I knew what Stefan was, I was just too scared to admit it. All the lost time I had from the dinner party, my bloodied clothes, it all related to him. I should have listened to my father.

I began to cry, my fear and anxiety washing over me like a tidal wave. My sobs echoed through the once-grand halls, and I felt like a lost child in a haunted house.

BLUE BANISTERS ➥ Damon SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now