SEVEN ◦ In Your Dreams, Lana

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AS I PUSHED OPEN THE DOORS TO THE MISS MYSTIC FALLS DANCE REHEARSAL, THE ECHOING PIANO CHORDS BATTERED MY EAR DRUMS. The sonorous live music reverberated through the cavernous space, sending vibrations through my chest and down to my fingertips. It was as if the music was alive, pulsating with a rhythm that beckoned me to join the chaos on the dance floor.

The Miss Mystic Falls dance rehearsal was in full swing, and I could barely hear myself think over the deafening live orchestra. The room was a whirlwind of shimmering gowns and perfectly coiffed hair, as the contestants practiced their steps and twirls in preparation for the big event. I had agreed to be a last-minute replacement in the competition alongside my little sister, and now I was regretting that decision. I was completely out of my element, a small-town girl who had never been comfortable in the spotlight.

As I scanned the room, desperately searching for a familiar face, my eyes landed on him. Gabe McGraw, a name I had never heard before, but a face that instantly drew me in. He stood at the edge of the dance floor, his tall frame obscured by the dim lighting and the swirling bodies around him. His dark hair was tousled, and he had a rugged charm that was impossible to ignore. I couldn't tear my gaze away from him, and it was as if some invisible force was pulling me toward him. It was absurd, I told myself. I didn't even know the guy. But something about him was magnetic, irresistible.

I took a step forward, my heart pounding in my chest as I made my way through the crowd. I had no idea what had come over me, but I couldn't stop myself. It was as if my body had a mind of its own, and that mind was fixated on Gabe.

As I approached him, he turned his head, and our eyes met. His dark blue eyes held a hint of amusement, as if he knew the effect he was having on me. I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks, embarrassed by my own impulsiveness.

"Hi," I stammered, my voice barely audible over the chords of music.

"Hi," he replied, his voice deep and rich. "You must be Lana, the last-minute contestant."

I nodded, feeling self-conscious under his intense gaze. "That's me. I, uh, didn't expect it to be so...loud."

He chuckled, a low, throaty sound that sent shivers down my spine. "Yeah, these rehearsals can be a bit overwhelming. But you'll get used to it." We stood there for a moment, the music still pounding around us. I couldn't tear my gaze away from him, and he seemed equally captivated by me.

"So, Lana," he said, breaking the silence, "are you looking forward to the dance?"

I nodded, feeling a strange connection between us. "I think it'll be an interesting experience."

Gabe smiled, revealing a set of perfect white teeth. "You have no idea."

Once Gabe and I exited the Mystic Falls Community Center after the dance rehearsal, the cool night air was a welcoming relief from the chaotic atmosphere inside. I felt a sense of relief wash over me, knowing that I was finally away from the deafening music and the blinding lights.

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