NINETEEN ◦ Guardian Angels?

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DAMON CAUTIOUSLY LOOKED BOTH WAYS BEFORE WE CROSSED THE STREET, his blue eyes scanning for any oncoming traffic. Across the street sat a timid, washed down building with a shining LED sign labeling it as a Motel 8. The cold wind breeze was less than welcoming, but in a way, it held its own foreign comfort that I needed. My eyes latched onto the silver crevice moon that hung lowly in the sky, begging to wake the rising sun. I peered over at Damon as he looked through the cash in his pocket, determined to get us this hotel room whether he had to use his mind compulsion or not.

As we headed toward the glass doors, a man appeared in front of us with a curious grin, and dark clothing. "And what might you be doing down here, Damon, hm?" The strange man inquired, his thick English accent peaking through. "Out for a little galavant with the girl that should be locked in a tomb?" As I neared the two, the English man flashed me a toothy grin. "Hello, Love," he beamed.

"Hello," I replied timidly. The brown-haired mystery man seemed to have Damon in some paralyzed state of fear, yet I couldn't see why. "Who are you?" As I stared through the man's soul, It were almost as if I could hear his name being said aloud. He chuckled for a moment, his eyes flashing between me and Damon as they remained in place under the moon's heavenly glow.

"Klaus," he smiled warmly, "And I'm guessing dear old Damon has forgotten about me just as you have, otherwise he wouldn't be in MY city, would he?" Klaus' voice was strong, everything about him emitted power. "Remember me, Damon." He grabbed Damon by the back of his neck, forcing his blue eyes to lock in with Klaus'. I knew compulsion existed, but for one vampire to use it on another was... impossible.

Damon's eyes widened at the sight of Klaus, but they didn't stay trained on his presence long. Before I knew it, Damon had sped beside me, his breathing heavy, and frantic. "Here," he said with a smile before he wrapped his jacket around me once more. "I'm sorry." Damon tilted his head to the side, hesitant on snapping my neck.

"Don't do this, Damon," Klaus demanded with a thick voice laden with dominance. Then, before anything else, my body fell to the pavement with a terrible thud. I had momentarily died.


BY THE GRACE OF GOD, I awoke in our hotel room to a scene that was anything but ordinary. The white bedding surrounded me entirely, leaving an open space where I imagine Damon once laid. I groaned a bit at the headache that spontaneously spawned when I sat up. But when I sat up, there was a scene I couldn't find sense in. A dozen men had sprawled out over every corner of the hotel room looking disoriented, and confused.

My eyes widened as I fully sat up, my eyes adjusting to the dimly lit room. "What... What are you all doing here?" I stammered, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and bewilderment.

BLUE BANISTERS ➥ Damon SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now