FIVE ◦ Flash to The Past

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I RECEIVED DAMON'S INVITATION TO HIS HOUSE WITH A MIX OF EXCITEMENT AND TREPIDATION. He had been cryptic about the purpose of the gathering, mentioning only that it was time to take the next step in unlocking my lost memories. The idea both thrilled and terrified me. If there was a chance to regain my forgotten past, I had to take it, no matter how unsettling it might be. The Salvatore mansion loomed in the distance as I approached, its grandeur a stark contrast to the modern world outside. The night air was cool, and the moon hung low in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the sprawling estate. As I stepped inside, I was greeted by Damon's devilish smile. "Lana," he purred, "I'm so glad you could make it."

I nodded, my nerves fluttering like trapped butterflies. "What's this all about, Damon?"

He gestured toward the center of the room where another figure stood, waiting patiently. "This," he said, "is my brother, Stefan. You remember meeting him in 1880 don't you?"

Stefan Salvatore had an air of quiet intensity about him. His eyes, like shards of dark obsidian, seemed to penetrate my very soul. I extended my hand, feeling a strange connection that I couldn't quite explain. "Nice to meet you, Stefan."

Stefan's lips curved into a polite smile. "Likewise, Lana."

As we exchanged pleasantries, something inexplicable happened. It was as if time itself had folded back on itself, and I was transported to a different era.

     ⥂ SUDDENLY, I WAS NO LONGER IN THE LAVISH SALVATORE MANSION BUT A GRAND BALLROOM ADORNED WITH CHANDELIERS AND OPULENT GOWNS. I saw myself in a mirror, a vision of elegance in a flowing gown, a candidate for Miss Mystic Falls. The year was 1880, and I was in the midst of a dance, the melody of a waltz filling the air. I fondly remember signing up with my sister, Lila, since we both were the opposite of one another. Neither of us had a proper suitor for the event, but nevertheless, we still went.

The two of us waited in the center of the dance floor for a partner to be assigned to us. When I turned to take a glance at Lila, Stefan stood before me, our eyes locked in a gaze filled with longing and desire.

"Lana, may I have this dance?" Stefan's voice was laced with elegance, and charm. I blinked, disoriented, and nodded, taking his outstretched hand. We began to waltz, and for a moment, the boundary between past and present blurred. I could almost hear the music from that long-forgotten ballroom, feel the weight of my gown, and smell the scent of roses in the air.

      ⬌ THEN, JUST AS FAST AT IT APPEARED, IT WAS GONE. The once busting ballroom was now the ordinary view of the Salvatore's mansion foyer. Stefan's face was the first I saw, his pale complexion adorned with a miniscule smile.

"What just happened?" I whispered, my voice trembling.

Stefan's gaze held a mixture of concern and recognition. "Looks like you remember me."

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