TWO ◦ In the Pale Moonlight

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THE FRAIL VAMPIRE AWOKE IN HER MAKESHIFT SANCTUARY, hidden deep within the decaying farmhouse. The night had been long and dreadful, filled with the mysteries of her past life. She stretched her long, slender limbs, feeling a newfound strength coursing through her veins, courtesy of the fresh blood she had consumed the previous night.

With a sense of anticipation, she decided to venture outside. The moon had dipped below the horizon, and the first rays of dawn painted the world in hues of pink and gold. She had been kept away from the sun for so long, shrouding herself in darkness, but something within her urged her to experience the morning light once more. With cautious excitement, she pushed open the front door and stepped out onto the porch. The world outside beckoned, and she took a step forward, feeling the warmth of the sun's early rays on her pale skin. For a brief moment, she reveled in the sensation, the sunlight caressing her like a long-forgotten lover's touch. But as she took another step, a searing pain shot through her body, and she stumbled back, gasping in agony. Lana clutched her chest, her heart pounding as though it might burst from her chest. Her skin began to smolder, and she felt as though she were engulfed in flames.

Panic washed over her pallid complexion at the sound of her sizzling skin. She weakly raised her right hand, that was now covered in scar tissue, up to search for a silver ring that was once gifted to her many years ago from a man she can't seem to remember. A tear slipped down her cheek as she reveled in the fact that the sun was now her enemy, and so was everyone else around her. Without an idea of who once buried her in a tomb to be forgotten, Lana had no choice except to be on high alert for anyone who wants her back in that tomb. Or worse, dead.

"We searched for you. For many years," a familiar woman's voice announced as she appeared behind Lana from the shrouding darkness that covered every corner of the farmhouse.

"What happened to me? I can't remember a damn thing, Lila." Lana stood to her bare feet with a helping hand from her brown-haired sister with forest colored eyes. The two vampires exchanged a mere look of hopelessness. "You aren't even who woke me, are you?"

"No," the younger vampire admitted shortly. "And I have no idea who did." Lila slapped her hands down onto her thighs in defeat, her mind tormented with the fact that she may never know. "Louis and I did everything we could, but there's no sign of them. Which, you know... Only makes things ten times worse because whoever they are, they're powerful, and definitely coming back for you." Overwhelmed by the idea of being brought back to life just to be murdered once and for all, Lana made her way toward the old leather brown couch that was covered by a moth-eaten sheet to keep it from weathering. "You're sure you can't remember anything?"

"I don't," the pale vampire confessed through furrowed brows accompanied by a frustrated sigh. "I just have this deep feeling of emptiness... Like there was something there at one time, but it's gone now. Far gone." A cave dwelled in her heart where memories once were. She wondered if when that dormant bear would awaken to retell all the tales she missed, if it would eat her too.

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