Chapter 42:

8 0 14

This was a kitten we found on the side of the road. We don't have her, but she was so sweet! Anyways, BACK TO THE STORY...

"Are you and Ember dating yet?" Lee asks, shoving mashed potatoes into his mouth. I look up at him and roll my eyes.

"No," I say with my mouth full.

"Miss Ember, what have I told you about talking with food in your mouth?" McGonagall scolds.

"Sorry!" She rolls her eyes.

"What classes are you guys taking this year?" Alicia asked while hugging me.

"Divination and Care of Magical Creatures," I say.

"Why Divination?" Lee and George ask.

"I think it would be interesting," I shrug.

"None of us are taking it," Katie tells me.

"Oh.." I look down at my plate.

"I am," a familiar voice joins us. Fred smiles down at me and takes a seat. Lee and Angelina exchange glances.

"If you guys aren't taking Divination, what are you taking?" I ask.

"Muggle studies," they all answer simultaneously.

"That's cool," I nod slowly, taking another bit of food. I feel fingers brush over my hand, making me turn to their owner. Fred's eyebrows furrowed in a concerned way. I smile at him and turn back to my food.

After dinner, we all headed up to the common room.

"Are we going to have a party this year?" Angelina asked the twins and Lee.

"Of course we are," Lee said immediately. I plop onto the couch as more Gryffindors fill the room.

"Where's the party going to be?" I ask.

"The Room of Requirement. We can't have another water incident," George chuckles, nodding to Fred. Fred rolls his eyes. Katy jumps onto the couch, she's tense as she sits down.

"Waiting for someone?" I tease.

"Of course she's waiting for Ollie," Angelina smirks.

"Oliver, I love you!" I sing loudly.

"Oliver, I do!" Angelina grabs my waist and pulls me into a dance.

"WHEN WE ARE APART MY HEART BEATS ONLY FOR YOUUUUU!" We both use our hands as microphones. We hear clapping from behind us. Katie blushes a deep shade of red.

"Hi, Oliver!" I greet with a mischievous grin.

"Quite a show ladies," he chuckles.

"Thank you!" Angelina and I take a dramatic bow. We then grab Katy and pull her towards him.

"Let's give them some space," Angelina pushes the others away. We all laugh and run up the stairs.

"No baby making!"


Hiiiii!!!!!! How are you? I'm currently trying to beat my friend in a game of cup pong on my cell phone. We are tied 1-1 and I neeeeeed to beat him, because I don't want to have to do a dare.

Question of the day: what would be your horcrux?

I would put it in something that would be unexpected. Maybe like a blanket or something. Just something unexpected.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and that you have been feeling fabulous! Keep my in your prayers please! I haven't been sleeping well and I've been having some drama with some people I'm close to. I love you guys❤️❤️❤️

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