Chapter 31:

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Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I were heading to our break period. I was feeling pooped and didn't want to do anything.

"When's the next Quidditch match?" I asked Harry.

"I'll have to ask Wood. He brings up matches during the most random times," he chuckled.

"Ello you lot!" Hagrid's loud voice rang through our conversation.

"Good afternoon, Hagrid!" Hermione greeted.

"What'r you up to?" He asked.

"We were on our way to our break period," Hermione answered.

"I'll leave you lot to it then!" He said before walking away. We passed by the Transfiguration classroom where we saw Malfoy and his posse picking on a first year. He is literally a year older than them.

"I swear Malfoy is the one who opened the chamber," Ron said.

"I'm with you on that one," I told him.

"Guys," Hermione said. Our attention snapped forward. Justin Fletchley was laying there petrified, while Nearly-Headless-Nick looked as if he was dead. How would that work? He's already dead.

"Bloody hell,"

"POTTER!" An angry voice yelled. It was Filch.

"Well shit," I threw my hands up. He pulled Harry to Dumbledore's office and the other three of us exchanged looks.


"I hate homework!" Angelina groaned.

"I feel you," I rubbed my temples.

"Can I braid your hair?" She asked suddenly.

"I mean, you can try."

"Yay!" She sat on the couch while I sat on the floor. She started braiding my hair until the twins and Lee walked in.

"What are you doing?" Fred asked.

"She's braiding my hair," I said.

"Can I try?" He sat next to Angelina.

"Sure! You can do one half while I do the other," She said while parting my hair into two.

"Er, I don't really know how to braid hair." He said sheepishly, which was weird against his normally confident face.

"She can teach you," I told him. I sat there while Angelina instructed Fred on how to do my hair.

"You have to be gentle," She told him.

"Ow! That's not gentle!" I hissed.

"Sorry," he said quickly. About thirty minutes later, they had finished. I took Angelina's mirror and looked at my hair. Fred did pretty well, it was a bit loose but it was good.

"You did really good Fred!" I told him.

"Really?" He blushed.

"Yeah," I turned to face him. He smiled brightly.

"Just kiss already!" Angelina almost yelled. I quickly stood up.

"What?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Ember! Come quick!" Harry tugged on my hand.

"Oh, o-okay. I'm coming," I followed him out of the common room. "Where are we going?" I asked him as I ran after him. 

"Can't explain," he said. I groaned as we ran all the way to the abandoned girls bathroom.

"Why are we here?" I asked. Harry didn't answer, he only went to where Hermione and Ron were sitting.

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