Chapter 32:

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Everyone had just come back from Christmas break and they were excited as ever to see their friends again. Fred was giving me a piggyback ride while we were walking to the common room.

"Hey, Ember! Can you help me with something?" Hermione asked once we had entered.

"Sure! What do you need help with?" I asked.

"Meet me at the library. Oh! And bring a mirror," she instructed. I nodded with furrowed brows. I hopped off of Fred's back and went to grab my mirror.

Hermione looked engrossed in her book as I saw her in the library.

"I'm here," I said. Her head snapped up and she stood up quickly.

"I'm looking for more information about the thing that is petrifying people." She told me while handing me a piece of paper.

"Did you rip this out of a book?" I asked.

"Yes, now read it." She ordered.

"Why would you do that to the poor book?"

"Read it!" She snapped. I looked at the paper to see a giant snake drawn on it.

"A basilisk?" I questioned.

"Yeah. If you look directly into it's eyes, then you die. I asked Myrtle and she said she died after looking a creature in the eyes,"

"How come the others didn't die?"

"They looked through something. Collin had his camera. Mrs. Norris had the water. And justin looked through Nearly-Headless-Nick. And he's a ghost so he can't die again,"

"That's brilliant!" I told her.

"Thanks! But now, we have to look for a specific book. It's a magical creatures book. It has a green spine,"

"Creature book with a green spine, got it." I nodded.

"Don't forget to use the mirror, so you don't get petrified."

"Okay," I nodded before looking for the book. I couldn't find it in the regular section so I looked in the restricted area.

There were books with green spines, and books that were on magical creatures. But nothing of both. I found what we were looking for and set down my mirror to grab it.

"Hermione, I found it!" I said. I climbed off of the shelf and turned around.

The last thing I saw was a big pair of yellow eyes.

Hermione's POV:

I followed where Ember's voice was coming from. I screamed at the sight of her on the floor. Her mirror wasn't in her hand and she looked limp instead of stiff. I leaned down and tried to feel her pulse, I felt nothing.

"Oh my goodness," I breathed. I was too shocked to cry. She's dead.

"HELP!" I yelled. I turned around and saw two yellow eyes in the reflection of my mirror.


DUN DUN DUUUN!!! Cliffhanger sorry guys!! I still love youuu! Anyways, how are you? I've been okay. Just school is being a booty hole.

Question of the day: what is one thing you would bring to a private island. No internet is provided.

I'd bring food. I'm a picky eater and I don't like fruit. I'd bring chips and Oreos to keep my sanity.

I hope you have a good day. And I hope you liked the chapter. I LOVE YOUU❤️❤️❤️❤️

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