cHaPtEr 19

11 0 13

I woke with lights blinding my eyes. Once I adjusted, I noticed the sling around my neck and the empty hospital wing. There were flowers and candies on the stand beside my bed. The door opened and I flinched at the sudden noise. Dumbledore walked in with a smile.

"Nice to see you finally awake. Your friends have missed you. Especially Mr. Weasley," Dumbledore winked.

"There's four, so I'm not sure which one you are talking about." I said confused.

"Either Fred or George," he said. "I can never tell them apart," he chuckled. I nodded.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked.

"A while. Harry woke up just before you,"

"Is he okay? What about Ron and Her-"

"They are alright." He laughed.

"I have a question,"


"So Snake- er, Voldemort called me his daughter. And I'm a little confused, because I feel like most people would in that situation."

"Don't worry about that. He was probably trying to bribe you into something dangerous."

"There's no need to bribe me. I'm walking danger," I joked. He didn't laugh. I bit the inside of my cheek as we sat in silence.

"Another question. Will I be staying at Hogwarts for the summer?" I ask.

"Actually, no. I've talked to the Weasley parents and they have offered their home to you to stay for summers,"

"Really?" I exclaimed. He nodded. I smiled before it faltered a bit. "So, I won't be seeing my mom?" I questioned.

"I'm afraid not," he frowned. I nodded sadly.

"I mean, it's better than being by myself." I shrugged.

"I would head to the Great Hall. Your friends would be very excited to see you," Dumbledore said before exiting the wing. I hopped out of bed, I knew that Madam Pomfrey would scold me. I could care less. I ran to the Great Hall after I took a trip to the dorm room. I opened the doors and opened my arm wide.

"I'm back bitches!" I shouted. My friends heads snapped up and they ran to me. They engulfed me in hugs, but knew to be careful of my arm.

"We've missed you!" Alicia said.

"I know," I said, flipping my hair.

"She's still got her humor," Fred chuckled.

"And! I'm staying at the Weasley house for the summer," I added.

"Actually?" The twins asked. I nodded with a smirk. They cheered as we walked to the table and sat with the trio.

"You're alive!" Ron said.

"Woah!" I said. He laughed before hugging me tightly. Professor McGonagall tapped her spoon, making the hall turn their attention to Dumbledore.

"The year is over! And I would like to congratulate Slytherin on their victory of the house cup," I rolled my eyes. I almost died, and yet they still win.

"But! I have extra points to give. First, to Hermione Granger! I award 30 points. Second, Ronald Weasley! 30 points. Third, Harry Potter! 30 points. Fourth, Ember! 30 points."

"We're tied with Slytherin!" Hermione said.

"And finally! Neville Longbottom, 10 points." He smiled. I practically shot out of my seat. The table erupted into cheers.

"In your face Malfoy!" I yelled, flipping him off.

"Ember!" McGonagall scolded.

"Sorry!" I smiled innocently.

"We won!" Fred yelled.

"I know!"


We were boarding the train, ready to go home. For me it was the Weasley house, but I was still excited.

"You ready?" Fred asked, throwing an arm around my hood shoulder.

"Absolutely!" I said. We entered the train, heading off to a new summer.


Embers first year has ended! What do you think so far? Anything I can improve?

I hope you have a lovely day! I'll update soon! Love you❤️❤️❤️

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