Chapter 17

10 0 7

I love this song soooo much! Ahhhh!

I hate end of the year exams with a burning passion. I studied with all of my friends constantly. And when the exam days came around, my anxiety raised to a 7.

I had just finished an exam with McGonagall and was heading to Snape.

"How's your head been?" I ask Harry when I passed him in the hallway.

"Worse, but I've been trying to ignore it." He told me.

"Well, good luck." I said.

"You too,"

After all the exams, I felt free. No more studying or anything. I walked with Harry, Ron, and Hermione as Harry complained about his scar. I had been getting more visions lately and McGonagall and Dumbledore have been getting worried.

"Maybe you should go to Madam Pomfrey," Hermione suggested.

"I'm not ill though," he said.

"True, but she could give you painkillers." I told him. He just shook his head. All of a sudden, he gasped and started running towards a hut.

"Harry! Where are you going?" Ron asked.

"No time to explain!" He ran. When we all got to the hut, Harry was talking to a huge man with a huge beard.

"Hello Ember! I don't think we've officially met I'm-"

"Hagrid I need to ask you something!" Harry interrupted.


"The night you got Norbert, what the man you were playing with look like?" He asked.

"Dunno, he kep' his hood up the whole time." Hagrid said with his thick accent.

"Did you happen to mention Hogwarts at all?"

"Er, yeah. He asked what I did and I told him I was a gate keeper. He asked what creatures I took care of, an' I told him I really wanted a dragon. I told 'im if taking care o' Fluffy was a lot, then taking care o' a dragon would be no problem!"

"Did he seem interested in Fluffy?" Harry asked.

"Well o' course he was interested! How many times have you come across a three headed dog. I told 'im the best way too calm 'im is to play a bit o' music and he'll fall right ter sleep," he paused. "I should not have said that. Wait where are you going?" He yelled after we chased Harry again.

"Harry slow down. What the hell, kid?" I breathed in deeply.

"We need to talk to Dumbledore, if that person happened to be Snape or Voldemort than the stone is going to be stolen soon!"

"Where's Dumbledore's office?" Harry asked.


"Never mind, let's ask McGonagall." Harry ran to her office.

"We need to speak with Professor Dumbledore!" Harry yelled as soon as he ran in.

"He's at a meeting with the ministry, he won't be back for a few days." McGonagall said with furrowed brows.

"He can't be gone!" Harry groaned.

"Do you have something to say that's more important than the ministry?" McGonagall questioned.

"It's about that Sorcerer's Stone!" Harry told her.

"Ho-how do you know about that?"

"We think someone's going to steal it!" Harry says.

"I can assure you that it is protected, and no one is going to take it." She told us.

"Professor!" Harry pressed.

"I know what I'm talking about, Potter! Out of my office please," McGonagall snapped. I followed Harry as he stormed through the corridors.

"We need to go through the trapdoor tonight! Snape knows and is going to act since he knows that Dumbledore is gone,"

"Good afternoon," a monotone voice broke the conversation. "What are four Gryffindors doing inside on a day like this?" He asked.

"We were-"

"You may need to be more careful. People will think, your up to something." He gave us a weird look. He spun in his heel and walked off with his cape flowing behind him dramatically.

"What's your plan?" Ron asked Harry.

"Meet me in the common room tonight," Harry instructed. I broke away from the group and headed to the Quidditch field.

"Ember! How was your exams?" Alicia asked.

"Horrible," I groaned.

"You ready for Quidditch?" Angelina asked.

"Yeah, don't start until I get seated!" I told them.

"Wait no, you're playing!" Lee said.

"Wait what?" I ask.

"You're playing!" Lee said again. My eyes widened.

"Nooooo," I laughed.

"Why not, little midget?" Fred asked.

"I don't even know how!" I told them.

"We'll teach you! Grab a broom," Angelina demanded. I waited a bit before hesitantly grabbing a broom from the closet.

"What position should I play?" I asked them.

"Try Keeper," Angelina told me. I nodded before flying over to the three hoops. Katie flew towards me.

"Try to keep the quaffle from going into the hoops. And whenever a bludger comes by, move." Katie told me. I had seen many games, but I still had no idea how to play.

The game went on pretty well. I was pretty decent if I do say so myself. I blocked some, and some flew right by me. It was pretty fun to be honest.

"You would make a good keeper," Fred told me after the game was finished.

"Nah, I wouldn't want to take Wood's place." I said.

"Maybe after he leaves Hogwarts," Fred shrugged.

"Yeah, maybe."

*time skip*

I met Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the common room at midnight.

"You guys ready?" Harry asked. We all nodded before attempting to walk out of the room. But a toad stopped us. It let out a large croak, making us all freak.

"Shh! Trevor you're not supposed to be here!" Hermione said.

"Neither are you," a voice told us.


hee hee.. cliffhanger. You're welcome😁😁 I hope you enjoyed the chapter though!!

Question of the day: did you have a tv show or movie that you grew up watching? If yes, what series or movie?

I grew up watching the Sandlot. It has and will forever be my favorite movie.

I hope you have a fabulous day. You are beautiful and I hope you never forget it!! Love youuu!!!❤️❤️❤️

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