Carter was special to so many people.

He slowly sat up and sighed, he looked so stressed. It was kind of funny.

'Do you want my opinion?' I asked him, and he nodded quickly and signed please almost immediately. 'I think it might be time to get you a phone. If anything just talk to the people you want. We can even get you a new number.'

Carter let out a groan and rolled his eyes. I knew it wasn't what he wanted to hear. I could tell she was enjoying this silence and quiet time. And truthfully I have been too. But I knew deep down that we couldn't stay in this bubble for much longer. No matter how badly I wanted to.

'I think you're right.'

'We can add it to the list of things to do tomorrow.'

The list just kept growing and I was wondering if we were going to be able to handle it. Only because we've become so accustomed to staying in the house by ourselves it would be a big change in our routine. And selfishly I was afraid that the change in our routine would halt Carter's and I's relationship progression.

'Do you miss your family?' Carter asked me, keeping his gaze firm on me.

'I do. But I'm more than content being here with you.' I know what he was doing, whether he realized it or not. I saw right through him. He wanted to see if I was annoyed with him, try to catch even the slightest hint of wanting to go home. But why would I go home when he was here? Exactly.

'You know you can call them whenever you want to you know? You don't have to keep your phone hidden away.'

Before I could respond our server was back and she quickly took our order and asked us what drinks we wanted. She took our order quickly and left us. I wanted nothing more than to lean forward and hold Carter's hand across the table, but I couldn't do that. Because he wouldn't be able to talk to me.

'Lightening, I'm not on my phone because I'm here with you. And I want you to know that you're my sole focus.' Carter's cheeks warmed up at my words, and I smirked at him. I loved it when he blushed.

'But maybe tomorrow while you're talking to Rena and Danielle, I'll give my pops a call. And everyone else. Goddess, I'm going to be on the phone all night.'

Just thinking about it made me tired. I had a giant family and there was no way I could talk to one and not the rest. Yeah, tomorrow was going to be hectic as hell.

'Is this our last night of freedom then?' Carter asked and I could see there was a bit of sadness in his eyes. He liked our time together just as much as I did.

'If it is, then I guess we need to enjoy it.' I said with a slight smirk.

I don't know if he saw this as a date, but I didn't care. It was a date for me. The first of many. Our next date will be my doing and it will be planned and it will be the best date Carter had ever been on.

'I already am.'

Goddess help me.


'Come on, Tiger!' Carter signed frantically as I followed him towards a playground.

We had just finished dinner and Carter had told me he wanted to show me something. And here we are, at a playground. Though I didn't mind. I was enjoying my time with him outside of the house. It was like we were able to see what our life would be like later. Just doing everyday things together.

At dinner, we talked about the little things about ourselves. During that time I realized that we never took the time to do. We talked about our favorite color, his orange, mine is green. Ironic I know. We talked about favorite animals and when I mentioned the bear and explained why. He then told me how he hated that Z called me 'Teddy' and then we both promised never to talk about him again.

Carter's SaviorWhere stories live. Discover now