Episode 28

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Episode 28

Riddhima: Yess.. U always make me smile.. That’s why I’m soo happy..

Vansh: really…
He stares at her and kisses her forehead..
Both stare at each other…
Vansh rubs his nose with her..
Riddhima smiles and wipes her nose..

Vansh smiles…

Vansh: come lets go it’s already late..
Riddhima: Kk!!
They leave…

Ishani house:

Angre thinks about the time he spent with Riddhima.. And his friend is back.. He gets happy and back
hugs Ishani..

Angre: Ishani I’m soo happy today.. Thankyou so much, if you wouldn’t tell me the truth, I would
have still hated Vansh..Thankyou so much..

Ishani: I know Angre.. That u like Vansh so much.. U know I was so tensed, when I’m telling truth..
I thought u don’t believe me, but thanks for trusting me..

Angre: (smiles and kisses her cheeks) thinking about the flashback.. (What happened that day
when Angre went to drop Ishani)

Angre and Ishani reaches Ishani flat..
Ishani: Angre come inside… U look soo tired..

Angre: Noo Ishani.. Il leave..

Ishani: Angre Plzz..
Angre agrees..
They go inside,

Ishani: Angre, il bring water..
Angre goes to balcony and thinks about Vansh and Riddhima… He feels sad for Kavitha.. He gets
angry on Vansh…
Ishani gives water, as soon as she gives water..Angre starts scolding Vansh out of anger

Angre: how could he do this Ishani?? Why is he doing?? He cheated Kavitha, and now cheating
Riddhima too.. I’m not angry on Riddhima, but she’s innocent.. I want to kill him…

Ishani feels sad.. She decided to tell him truth..
Ishani: Angre, will u trust me??

Angre: (confused) what???
Ishani: yes Angre.. Tell me will U trust me??
Angre: (cups her face) yes Ishani… I trust u.. Why r u asking me like that??

Ishani: I want to tell u something, which is very important.. U said na, not to hide anything..so I’m
telling this… Il tell u story.. U should listen to me completely… U shouldn’t stop me..

Angre: Kk tell me..
Ishani: Angre 18years back.. A girl was been kidnapped from a birthday party, and the police told
that the girl was died.. But actually girl dint die, they kidnapped the girl and was been kept in a room
for 18years.. She don’t know anything, she only knows some biblical knowedge which she learnt
herself with the help of nearby church.. So sad of her na??
Angre: what?? That’s really very bad.. How could a girl can live in that room for that many years..
Those kidnappers.. Are they mad???

Ishani: don’t u want to know who is that girl??

Angre: who is that Ishani?? Are u again involvig in new cases.. I told u na not to take risk.. Why are
you involving Ishani.. What if they again hurt u.. Are you fine??

Ishani: Angre cool.. This is not a new one.. It’s old one only.. That Girl is non other than Riddhima..

Angre: what???

Ishani: yes Angre… Just recently Vansh met her, she used to stay beside ur frnd Ajay house..
When u went to Singapore Vansh met her.. He showed her some world..

Angre is shocked..
Angre: what?? But Ishani.. U said someone is trying to kill her, I’m so confused

Ishani: yes Angre… They tried to kill her because that two ladies doesn’t like Riddhima being with
Vansh.. So they planned to kill her..

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