Episode 23

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Vansh: Hahahah Angel… Ur cuteness is overloaded..

Riddhima hugs him back…
She suddenly looks at the moon.. She laughs..
Riddhima: hahaha Vansh, did u see the moon..it again came..

She breaks the hug..and she was about to run, she slips because of the saree and was about to
Vansh holds her..
Vansh: (tensed) Angel careful!

Riddhima: (smiles) I’m fine Vansh..

Vansh: lf fall down Angel.. Don’t go..

Riddhima: but I want to see the moon..

Vansh: idea!!

He takes her to the terrace.. He wears a quilt on the ground.. And he sleeps on the ground.. He tells
her to sleep..

*Singhaniya's house:

Ishani: aunty il leave now..

AP: take care Ishani…

She comes out.. She notice Angre sitting in his lawn alone and thinking..
She calls him.. Seeing her call he doesn’t lift it..
She gets sad, she can understand his pain..
She again calls him.. But he doesn’t lift..
She gets sad and goes near him and sits beside him..

Ishani: why r u not lifting my calls?

Angre: why should I lift?? Who d hell r u?? I don’t have any friends.. He cheated me.. And even
you cheated me… Both were doing everything very silently.. When you know that Riddhima is Angel..
Why dint u tell me?? U hide the matter.. I hate you Ishani..

Ishani: (cries) Angre listen.. Plzz listen…

Angre: (pushes her) just leave from here.. Just get the hell out of here.. Goo!!

Ishani gets sad..
Ishani: Kk I’m sorry to disturb u.. I really don’t know that Angel is Riddhima, I just know it few days
back.. If u don’t trust me.. I don’t need
ur friendship.. Bye!!

She leaves crying..
Angre gets sad..

Ishani keeps walking alone on the road.. Thinking about Angre words..

Angre comes there..
Angre: (shouts) Ishani.. I’m sorry..

Ishani: I don’t need ur sorry.. Just get lost!

Angre runs towards her and stops her..
Angre: Ishani.. I’m sorry.. (He holds his ears)

Ishani: (cries) u dint trust me..how can u think I’ve cheated u.. How can you use those words in
anger Angre.. I hate u…

Angre gets emotional and hugs her which shocks Ishani…
Angre: but I love u Ishani…I love u soo much.. I’m very sorry… I’m a stupid.. I dint think anything..

Ishani gets happy listening his confession and she hugs him…
Ishani: I love u too Angre..

They share a beautiful hug..

Angre: don’t hide anything from me

Ishani.. Tell me everything.. Plz don’t hide..

Ishani: okay..
(She thinks to tell truth to Angre, as its the gud time but no no first let me talk with Vansh.. This is
very important..

She breaks the hug,
Ishani: Angre.. I need to go home..

Angre: come il drop u..

Ishani: Kk!!
They both leave to Ishani’s house!!

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