29. (Eleanor and Liam)

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Two pink lines.


"El! Lou and Mike are already at the hotel in Seattle. Let's go!" Harry yells from downstairs.

It was June 29th and it's the day before my wedding. Mike proposed on Christmas day and we couldn't be happier. After the new year I was quite surprised when Harry and Louis asked me to help them start a family of their own. Of course it wasn't just up to me so I had to talk to Mike about it as well. He's always had a soft spot for the boys. They did help see him through his modeling thing and then gave him nothing but support starting his own venture as a lawyer. Harry even helped him get the confidence to go back to school years ago and start the whole journey. Mike had told me there was never anything to discuss and he would be happy if I decided to help them. So on Harry's 23rd birthday I agreed to be their surrogate. Neither of them realized how expensive it would be so they really only had one shot at this with everything they had saved up. No pressure on me huh? Now here we are months later and I was just...implanted I guess you could say a little over a month ago. 

I hold the test in my hand as I walk out of the bathroom and into the bedroom to gather my stuff. I shove the test in my purse so I can tell them both later when they are together. Shutting the door to their guest bedroom I run downstairs and find Harry, Claire, and Will waiting for me at the door. 

"Finally! We'll be late for your own rehearsal love." Harry ushers everyone outside.

"We have plenty of time. They can't start without the bride." I pat his chest and load the kids into his car.

I make sure that Will is secure in his car seat and watch as Claire buckles herself in. I close their door and hop into his passenger seat. It's going to be quite a drive to Seattle so Harry hands Claire her tablet for her to play on. Harry keeps joking around and somehow we end up talking about his speech he has to make. I've never really had a better friend than Harry. He's the one who I can trust with all my secrets and insecurities and not worry about any judgement. I asked him to stand next to me as my maid of honor, or best man of honor, I don't really know his title but he's my person. After a few hours it starts raining and it makes me nervous driving the two lane roads in such a heavy downpour. I don't notice that I lean against the window and slip into a dream that leaves me utterly confused.

I'm in a church but I'm not seeing the scene from my point of view. I'm seeing it from Harry's. I'm in a white gown with Louis standing across from me. He can't stay still. Anxiously balancing from one foot to the other. His eyes are frantically looking for something. Someone. 

"If anyone objects speak now or forever hold your peace." The preacher says. I want to scream out that this is all wrong but I can't. I can only watch the scene unfold as if I was Harry himself.

I sat in the fifth row next to 3 of my best friends. Niall on my left has his hand on my knee, he only came to support me and I came to support him...the groom. Zayne sat to my right biting his bottom lip and Liam was on his right shaking his head. They too came as support. When a boy you grew up with, lived on the same block as or even next door to, was getting married...you showed up.

"I'm sorry. I can't." Liam whispers as he gets up and walks to his right to the back of the church and out the door.

My eyes stay locked forward. I see his blue eyes and I see the hurt in them.

"I'm sorry Lou." Zayne whispers and I see the groom mouth the words 'it's okay.' Zayne gets up and follows Liam out.

Brown eyes meet mine and she looks pissed. Eleanor. His college girlfriend and the one person who doesn't like me at all. She is definitely bridezilla mad. I can almost read the thought on her face. 'How dare they do this at my wedding?' I look down and take a deep breath.

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