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"Marry me Louis."

He was just staring at me. I stood up putting on my jeans and shirt. It's too soon. I know that. It was just impulsive. It came our before I could stop it and then I couldn't take it back.


I barely hear the whisper. I'm talking too much and the thoughts in my head seem really loud.

"I know it's too soon. I understand. It just came out boo. I know you're probably not ready. It..."

He's standing up now and his lips are pressed to mine. My eyes widen as he just stands there staring into my eyes with his lips preventing me from talking. He pulls away and tilts his head to the side as if daring me to talk again.

"Haz. I said okay. Yes. I was going to ask you this summer on a romantic vacation."

He said yes. "Yes?"

He nods. "Do you want the ring or do you have one hidden somewhere on you?"

I laugh shaking my head. "You have a ring?"

He grabs my hand and walks me back to the house. Zayne and Liam are full on snogging on our porch, don't even see us walk by. He leads me through the house and up to our bedroom. He turns on the light and I smirk a little feeling proud of myself.

"Yeah yeah kid you gave us light. I gave you the best blow job you've ever had. We're even." He laughs digging through his underwear drawer.

"I'm waiting for my ring." I tap my foot against the floor and laugh.

"Impatient little boy."

"You love me. You said yes. No take backs." I wink at him.

He faces me after closing his drawer and shakes his head. "Harry Edward Styles." He gets on one knee. "You've been a pain in my ass. You've been my best friend. You've been my lover. You've been my secret keeper. You've been my everything. I've loved you since I was 7 years old even though I didn't know what it was back then. I always wanted to keep you safe even if it was from me. It hasn't been all rainbows and unicorns but it's been real. You've been so many things to me but there's so much more I want you to be. I want you to be my husband. I want you to be the father to our kids. I want you to be the one sitting on that porch old and gray with me. Marry me Bumblebee."

I smile and sniffle wiping my eyes. "Yes. I'm supposed to be the writer and here you are leaving me speechless."

I kneel down in front of him and he slides the silver band on my finger. It's a silver band with a blue stone and a green stone side by side. It's also engraved with the words always and forever. I look into his eyes and wipe way the tears he's trying to hide. He'll always be the little boy who helped me tie my shoes and sat with me on top of the monkey bars.

"When can I move in?" I ask him.

He laughs and shakes his head. "Now? I mean you gave me light how can I refuse you anything."

"You can't. Also..." I stand up and step towards the door. "I apologize in advance for the next 10 minutes."

He brings his eyebrows together in confusion. I open the door and step into the hallway. He stands up and shakes his head with his eyes wide. 'Wait.' He mouths.

I shake my head. "HE PROPOSED!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

Simultaneously three things happen.

There's a thud with a door slamming.

Footsteps race up the stairs with two boys yelling "stop pushing me!".

Zayne and Liam both skid to a stop at the end of the hallway looking at us.

"PROPOSED?!" They both yell.

I nod and hold up my hand. After the initial fawning over the ring Liam hits Louis in the shoulder.

"You little bitch. You said I could help you plan it."

Louis holds his hands up in front of him. "He asked me first. I asked second and gave him the ring."

Liam scoffs. "Your mum will be pissed. She was looking forward to recording it. Wait until I tell Jay."

"You wouldn't?!" Louis screeches as Liam takes his phone out.

Liam runs down the stairs with Louis following. I laugh and shake my head following them. Zayne congratulates me and then says I'm marrying an over grown toddler. It only takes me one look into the living room to see why he said that.

Liam is being held on the ground. Louis is on top of him with his knee in-between Liam's shoulder blades. Liams arms are stretched behind him. The phone lays scattered on the floor. Liam is yelling and Louis is yelling louder.

"I'm marrying a toddler but you were snogging one on my porch as well."


I pick up Liam's phone and put it to my ear.

"Hey mum."

I can yell Jay is smiling. "Harry! What on earth is going on? Liam called and said it was important then there was a lot of yelling. Is Louis okay? Are you okay?"

"He's fine mum. I'm fine. More than fine actually." I back out of the room as my toddlers blue eyes latch onto mine.

"HAROLD!" Louis yells.

"Mum how do you feel about a September wedding?"

I had to bring the phone away from my ear. That is if I wanted to be able to hear anything out of my right ear ever again.

"HARRY EDWARD STYLES! ARE YOU TELLING ME MY SON PROPOSED OVER A PHONE CALL?! OH MY GOD. MY BABIES ARE GETTING MARRIED!! There's so much to do. A caterer. Band. Flowers. Cake. Reception. Preacher. You said September? That's 6 months Harry. We would have to start now for planning. You need tuxedos."

Louis takes the phone from me and puts her on speaker phone after the yelling is over. "Mum." She keeps talking about arrangements. "MUM!  We don't need a china pattern." Louis laughs pulling me in front of him.

"It's tradition Boo bear."

"Harry and I are hardly traditional mum." He kisses my hair and walks us outside to the porch. He grabs a beer and hands one to me while grabbing one for himself.

"I'm just excited for my boys."

"We're excited too mum. You should come see the house soon. Harry blessed us with electricity. He's a real Benjamin Franklin."

"Shut up boo." I splash him with my beer.

"No special kinky time for Harold. You wasted good beer."

"And that's my que to go. Congratulations boys."

"Bye mum!" We both say and Louis tosses Liam his phone.

Zayne brings the pizza boxes outside and we sit on the porch and watch the stars. We talk about everything and nothing at the same time. By the end of the night it's pretty much been decided we want to get married in  Malibu. Zayne is going to be Louis best man. Niall I'm going to ask to be mine. Liam got ordained in 15 minutes on a website so he will be officiating.

Everything had fallen into place within the last year and a half almost. It seemed too good to be true. It felt like a dream. I closed my eyes against Louis neck as he held me.

If this is a dream it's one I definitely don't want to wake up from it.

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