|Chapter Twenty-Two|

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I didn't know how long I could go on like this.  Not living, but not dead yet either.  Every other moment a demon was in my head or cornering me, wanting to cause me harm.  I just wanted to get the sacrifice over with so that I could be in peace.  I could have peace knowing Noah would be able to save his brother, even if that meant I would never see him again. 

I didn't know what Noah had meant by we would figure it out, it was predestined and I didn't think either of us would be able to stop the trajectory we were on.  We were in too deep.  The only thing I could do now was enjoy the time I had left with Noah.

"If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?" Noah asks, hopping up on my counter while he watches me unload my bag from work.

"I don't know, I haven't thought about it."

"Think about it, anywhere in the world."

"Milford Sound on a rainy day," I sigh, thinking back to a beautiful photo I had seen years ago that hadn't ever left my mind. Noah hops off the counter and holds out his hand to me, I look at it quizzically and he shakes his hand at me. I still don't take it because I need some context. "Why?"

"Because, I think you need to be reminded of how beautiful the world can be," I tentatively reach out my hand and hover over his for a moment before finally touching his palm. I would compare Noah transporting me to bungee jumping. I felt a tug, like I was being pulled, then I was freefalling and finally it's over and Noah is catching me. I did not like the idea of bungee jumping.

"I think I'm going to throw up," I say, wobbling a little on my feet as the motion sickness passes.

"Don't," Noah says simply and disappears again, only to appear a moment later with a bag of my things.

"We could have come here the normal way, you know," I tell him, looking around the house that we have commandeered. It's dark here because of the time difference, I couldn't tell if it was early morning or late night. The space was low lit with modern features and wall to wall windows that just showed our reflection back to us.

"Ah, but we would have missed the sunrise," Noah says in my ear. Noah takes my hand and leads me onto the patio, he snaps his fingers and the firepit instantly ignites and I warm my hands by the flames. Noah goes back inside and gets a blanket and wraps me up in it before pulling me into his lap.

"Why are you doing this Noah? Risking everything for a few fleeting moments with me?" I ask him softly as the dark sky begins to lighten.

"One day you are going to see yourself how I see you, I'm going to make sure of it," he says instead of replying, pulling me closer to his chest. "Look, look, the sun is starting to come in over the mountains," he jostles me a little where I sit in his lap. He didn't need to tell me to look, I hadn't been able to look away from the mountains standing above the lake since they came into view.

We sit together in silence while we watch the sun slowly growing in the distance. I can see the area around us now, the ice blue lake below us rippling with the light rainfall, the evergreen trees in the space in front of us. The flat field surrounding us that is slowly coming back to life now that it is spring in New Zealand. I don't see any other houses around us, and it feels like we are the only two people left here on the earth.

"Let's get going, we have things to do," Noah says patting my thighs so I would get up. I wrap the blanket tighter around me and I stand up, following Noah into the house I discard the blanket on the couch. He hands me a sweater from my bag and I pull it on over my head.

Noah leads us out to the garage where there's a car waiting for us. I buckle myself in as Noah turns on the car. "Should I ask where this came from?"

"With the house, silly."

Unholy | Noah SebastianUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum