|Chapter Ten|

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"Michael, there has to be some mistake," I say, pacing his small living room.  I don't even know why I care about what I saw in her destiny.  It doesn't affect me at all.  And yet, I didn't want her to know what was going to happen.

"The Creator doesn't make mistakes, and saying they do will not get you into the Blue," his voice is booming in his convictions.  Okay, Michael, I get it, you never fell and you're still obsessed with the Creator. 

"What was the point in my saving her for it to end like this?"

"It's not my place to question.  You have to tell her though, she has to choose it.  If not..."

"Fuck, Michael," I curse, still relentless in my pacing.  He's unfazed by the news.  Of course he knew, and it doesn't effect us at all.  The humans, however.

"Why do you even care?"

"I- I don't know.  I can't help thinking about the way she was going to die, and this is her fate?"

"She still gets a choice," Michael argues.

"Is it really a choice?"

"No, not really.  But again, it's not my place to question the Creator. They know all, and I'm sure she will do the right thing.  And you will have a place in the Blue."

But, I'll never see her again.


I groan in frustration as I watch Noah disappear in front of my eyes. Of course he was keeping more secrets from me. Of course he just leaves when he should be telling me what the fuck is going on.

At least now that he's not here and seizing I can put thought into what he told me. He's my guardian?  Why did I need a guardian?  What was so special about me that I needed to be protected? These were all questions I didn't have answers to, and the one person that could answer them was MIA.

My phone rings and I see Phil is calling.  I don't have the energy for him, so I don't answer.  Ignoring the call spikes my anxiety, however.  What if something is wrong?  What if he doesn't get the help he may need if I don't answer.  I'm just about to cave and answer when it stops buzzing.  I couldn't deal with what Noah just told me and Phil calling me.  I needed to get out of here.

I ignore the fact that I worked out this morning, and the fact that it's raining.  I change into bike shorts and a tank top and run to my gym.  I'm soaked by the time I get there, I don't want to go in because I know the air will be too cold.  So I run for another block, then another, and then another.  I'm panting heavily when I finally stop at a crosswalk, my lungs burn and my side hurts.  I worked out a lot, but never did too much cardio.

I ignore my body and start the run back to my apartment, the summer rain has subsided and it steams on the hot pavement as it evaporates in the humid air.  I see Noah in the street up ahead of me.  I stop, tilting my head at the scene.  He looks like he's talking, but I can't hear him.  He's waving his arms erratically, but I don't know what it means.

I hear the scream of tires, I look for the source of the sound but I'm met with blinding lights.  Headlights.  And they're headed straight for me.  I scream, I think, but I can't be sure.  It all happened so fast.  I feel white hot pain from my head to my toes.  I can only feel it for minutes, but it feels like hours.  The pain takes me under, but not before I hear Noah calling out to me.

"This can't be happening again," his tone is frustrated.  I'm frustrated, I think, he should have been here.  He was supposed to be my guardian.

I'm in the gray space again, blood drips off of my body where my radius is sticking out of the flesh, blood drips down my fingertips where they hang by my sides.  There's a shard of glass the size of my head sticking out of my stomach and none of this can be good.

Unholy | Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now