|Chapter Nine|

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Note to self, when a human's heartrate picks up it's not always because they are in danger, or scared. I had seen more than I needed to of her cheating boyfriend. There was a new feeling after they were done, it tasted sour on my tongue but I didn't quite know what it was. I kept out of sight while she spent the day with him. She pretended to have fun while they went to eat and out to a bar, but that feeling never went away. It didn't leave her until the next day when he left.

"I have a question," I say, making myself seen in the chair next to her on the balcony. She yelps and drops her Kindle on her lap, her breathing is erratic as she registers it's me.

"Creator, where did you come from?"

"Like I said before, if you thought hard enough, I think you know the answer to that."

"What is your question?"

"How did you feel about your cheating boyfriend being in town?"

She chokes on the water she was drinking, "he's not my boyfriend. And how did you know he cheated on me?"

I tuck my feet under me on the oversized chair next to her, "I have my ways."

"I didn't feel anything about him being here, we are friends. He was the only person I could count on for a long time," she shrugs, but the feeling is back. I can taste it on my tongue, like a lemon.

"That's a lie, you feel it right now," I challenge.

"How do you know what I'm feeling?"

"I think we've been over the fact I can't tell you anything," I respond, enjoying the back and forth. The sunlight glints off her ice blue and sea green eyes, the scar an angry red in contrast to the cool colors. "I'm glad you started trusting the loud blonde."

She stares at me for a long time, and I'm sure she's not going to say anything. She is studying me, like I'm a puzzle she can't figure out. I'm not the puzzle, though, she is. When she finally speaks, it's soft, "regret. Regret is the thing I feel the most when I'm with him."

"Then why did you let him in?" I ask, genuinely curious. Her mouth opens and closes a few times, like a fish sucking in food.

"It's complicated," she finally answers, but her head is cloudy. I doubt it's that complicated, but I don't tell her that. "Why are you here, Noah?"

"I am curious about you," I tell her honestly, it's all I can tell her truthfully. She does intrigue me. She's a puzzle I want to solve, and I think that's dangerous. Considering, I'm not supposed to get close to the humans. However, I can't shield myself from her, not anymore.

"Her name is Allison," she says out of nowhere.


"The loud blonde, her name is Allison."

"Oh, I don't care what her name is," I tell her, and I mean it. She is of no consequence to me. She doesn't respond to me, but she picks her Kindle back up. She gets comfortable on her chair again and I see her eyes scanning the text. She's trying to ignore me, but I don't like it. "What are you reading?"

Her cheeks are stained red at the question, and I'm even more intrigued, "nothing," she mumbles under her breath.

"Briar, you have to tell me now. You are blushing," I tease her, her cheeks get even more red and it does something to me. I have to adjust myself in my jeans, luckily she doesn't notice. She's too busy being embarrassed to look at me. "One day I'm going to get you to read me something out of your smutty books."

She gasps as she snaps her head over to me, I already know what she wants to ask, but I'm being summoned so I disappear before she can get the question out.

Unholy | Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now